13. Far from the Ground

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Beep. Beep. Beep, two lives lost!

It increased the level of their worry even more. 

Yoongi was still there, bounded, barely opening his eyes, somehow trying to get a hold of his breath. His arms and feet kicked out desperately as he tried to release himself. His head spun as he gasped for air. His legs were tired and struggling to bring himself up together. His head was pounding, every cell in his body was screaming for oxygen. His lungs started to ache. The urgency for air was more apparent than ever. He couldn't move, no matter how hard he attempted. He was screaming silently, wheezing for breath. He felt life slipping away.

"This is Yoongi hyung's watch!" Jungkook shouted as a feeling of dread crept up to his spine.

There they found the monster's limp body with someone trapped within its long tail.

"Yoongi hyung!!" Hoseok yelled out upon seeing him half-conscious, his face paler. 

He reached out his hand towards him but no response was to be received. Without sparing a second, he went to get the person and tapped his cheeks to bring him back to his senses. Yoongi's face began to turn into a sickening color as his sight started to close in on him. 

Beep. Beep. Beep, three lives lost!  

"Hurry Hoseok-ah!" Jin yelped as the tension thickened in the air.

Hoseok quickly took out his shiny energy sword. 

"Careful! He might get injured too." Namjoon warned, seeing Yoongi completely bounded by it, at which the former bobbed his head. He snapped the tail wrapping around different parts of his body one by one and finally freed him.

After pulling him out of that mess, Hoseok firmly grabbed him by his shoulders. 

"Come into your senses, Yoongi-ah!" Jin rubbed his back for helping him in catching his breath. After a few seconds of struggle, Yoongi gently opened his eyes.

"You okay?" Bee asked, her voice dripping with concern. To which he just nodded, still gasping heavily.  

"I thought I will lose you, hyung." Jungkook engulfed the elder in a tight hug, having the tears of fear in his eyes of losing one of his precious hyung. 

"Aigoo! See, I'm fine now." Yoongi reassured him while stroking his back.

As the nine of them were lost in the moment, the scoreboard screen appeared in front of them-

V_for_victory- 5 lives + bonus

breadjinie- 5 lives + a secret weapon

J-Dope- 5 lives + bonus

Golden_kook- 5 lives + bonus + experience

geniusmin- 2 lives

jamfulljimin- 4 lives + 1 regained life = 5 lives

presidentjoon- 5 lives + bonus

moonstar- 5 lives + bonus + experience

bumblebee- 5 lives + bonus

Congratulations you have successfully cleared this level. You're now being promoted to the next level.

With this, they passed through an invisible membrane and entered the next level.


"Welcome to Level 3!"

The atmosphere was sullen and ominous. There was a perfect mixture of day and night that culminated in a landscape so radically distinct from their previous experiences, making it bare and desolate. It was like a lonely planet with nobody on it, giving out a bizarre indigenous look. It was a rocky, charred environment with scarcely any plants. Some already erupted volcanos with flowing out lava could be seen far away. Its immense heat could be sensed from miles away. 

They were surprised yet again by another mysterious place.

They found themselves floating as thick amethyst smoke cuddled at their feet. There wasn't enough gravity to keep them on the ground. 

Yes! They were actually in outer space, on some planet for adding one more breathtaking experience to the chapter of their lives. 

The actual question was,

Was there really quiet?

Or was it just the peace before the storm?

Taehyung just let out a deep sigh at the thought of enduring and surviving another level, while being safe and sound.

"Ah! It's so hot here, my skin will become a complete mess." Amidst the situation, Jin started whining about his handsome face. 

"Seriously hyung?...is that even matter right now?!" Namjoon passed him a 'not so interesting' look.

"Of course, it does matter!!"

" What will happen if my skin gets tan or dry because of this? You don't even know how precious my handsome face is to me! Do you think that I don't know what the situation is and how important is to escape this game? I definitely know that but this also equally matters to me!!" Jin lashed out at him without a taking break, all in one breath, his face resembled a fully ripened tomato.

All the others burst into fits of laughter while Namjoon got completely speechless. 

"Whoa, calm down. Don't worry hyung, I'll give you a face mask later when we will return back to the real world. You can soothe your skin with it." Yoongi placed his palm on the latter's wide shoulder as he couldn't help but chortled holding his stomach.

They all were giggling then unexpectedly, a storm of dust occupied the air. They were plunged into total darkness. It was hot and humid. All of a sudden, a big gush of wind came by and blew all of the dust away, resulting in them flinching and coughing a bit.

They weren't even able to open their eyes properly and snap out from the strong impact created by the storm yet, when suddenly sharp silvery blades like shooting stars began to launch, keeping them as their aim.

Everyone started to run out of panic, in order to not get hit by those continuous strikes.

The sound of unstoppable metal blades swished through the air. 

"Here," Taehyung and the others quickly ran and hid inside a cave.


While Jimin and Moon were still outside sprinting, avoiding the attacks.

A sharp blade almost skewered through Moon when Jimin literally leaped into the air and pulled her to his side, causing them to bear a light hug, followed by their bodies rolling down together against the ground. 

They slowly separated themselves from the situation which was getting awkward and somehow managed to escape there and reach the place where the others were.

They couldn't understand from where those blades were coming from or who is the owner of them when there was no sign of anyone present and the whole place was just quiet as one could hear a pin drop, the only exception to their voices.

Taehyung peeped outside a little through the opening of the cave. He observed multiple dark shadows of something weird.

He was trying to figure out what was that when interrupted by a blade that nearly missed the tip of his head and pierced into the ground right next to him.

"I think it'll be better to wait here until the situation calms down," Hoseok advised, already settling himself down as he couldn't deny the fact that he was worn out as hell.   

Author's Note:

Hey guys!! Sorry for taking so long to update...I just couldn't find enough inspiration. Anyways, how was the chapter and what do you think about the story so far? I would love to hear your thoughts about whether it needs any kind of improvement in anything. Thank you for reading. Also thank you so much for 1k reads!!!

Have a wonderful day/night!! Take care and Stay safe~

Purple you all 💜💜💜

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