18. Don't go there!

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As Hoseok and Bee kept walking cluelessly, they had stepped into an old, endless, grey path, scattered with crunchy leaves and long twigs. The white translucent mist sneaked through the branches. It weaved its way between the trees like tendrils of smoke. The further they went, the more mystical and spellbinding it became.

They were following their path when a weird sound banged their ears, alerting them to avert their gaze around in every direction. There popped up a monster with a goat's head, bat's wings, and cloven hooves. In a fraction of seconds, it's long sticky tongue that was dangling from its toothless jaw launched towards Bee.

Before it could do any harm to her, it met with the tight clasp of Hoseok's hands. He held it as it still desperately tried to skewer her. He threw it flying back into the air, smashing it on the monster's own head. His eyes were now glistening reddish-orange as the fiery flames danced around his palm. He quickly set them in motion and shot it to the monster floating in the air, first setting it's wings on fire, collapsing it down, then eventually burning down its entire existence on the spot, leaving only the residue of black soot behind.

As they further went deep, slowly the place that claimed to be a dense, green forest had turned into a dry and barren piece of land covered with the sand...a desert.

"W-what is this place? Where the hell are we? We were in the f-forest?!"

They scanned the area around them with questioning eyes, getting bewildered. As far as their eyes could capture their vision, it was nothing but sand. A desolate and lonesome environment surrounded them.

The cool, chilly atmosphere got replaced by the intense warm winds. They stopped in their tracks with a dumbfounded expression written on their faces, probably trying to process all of that was happening to them.

"Look! A key!!" Hoseok shouted, his face brightened up as he saw the one lying in the heap of the sand right in front of them. While Bee's eyes slightly glowed pale golden for a brief moment then immediately fainted, returning back to their actual color, indicating that something was off.

"Hey Stop! Don't go there!! It's an il-" she yelled, chasing after him.

Unfortunately, it was too late as Hoseok had already dove into his own death trap, his hands busy as they searched for the key in between the sand dunes.

He realized what he had gotten himself into when he felt a force dragging him towards it. A sudden burst of bubbles bloated out from the ground. Soon the place where he sat had changed into a big deep quaking bog.

His feet got totally immersed and locked inside the mushy, wet pool of swamp. His both hands pulling his body up from the agonizing position. He tried to use his power but that couldn't help in anything as his eyes faded after gleaming only to a little extent. His breaths came fast and shallow. Heart racing, he blinked and swiveled his eyes in their sockets.

"Give me your hand!" Bee spoke, extending out her own. After a few attempts, he got hold of her fingers then slowly of her hand. She tried to yank him out but the bog sucked him inside even more as his body was now stuck up to his waist. His hand haltingly started to loosen from hers.

"Don't let go. Hold on tightly."

But at the last, it slipped off her grip which was his sole support at the moment.

He gave it his all as he struggled against the swamp that now rammed him in itself upto the level of his chest.

"Leave from here."

Bee had a loss of words for a second as her mind couldn't comprehend the words that left from his mouth, the words that felt like daggers.

"W-what?? L-leave? Have you lost your mind?! Stop talking bullshit. I'm not gonna leave you here alone...just to let you die." she opposed, again trying to get hold of him.

"Please. You have to find out the key and help them get out of that painting before it's too late. Just think that maybe I was destined to make it only this far." he said as tears shined in his eyes, a smile appeared on his lips, a smile that showed he couldn't make it further.

"P-please don't say things like that. You can't give up so easily. You can do it. You have to do it...for yourself, for us!" she uttered as tears escaped her eyes and made their way down her cheeks.

"Just Go!! Leave me on my own condition. We don't have much time left...p-please go!" he begged, cries leaving his trembling lips as a volume of tears that he really tried to hold back had now effortlessly burst out from his chestnut eyes.

"No! I'm not going anywhere. Just give me your hand dammit!" she protested as she now laid down on her belly, reaching out for his hand. She pushed herself forward even more, carefully watching out the distance between herself and the swamp below. After getting the hold of his hand then deliberately grabbing his wrist, she tugged him with all the strength she had left within.

"Argh!" he cooperated with her, going for the last try. He twisted himself up with all his might. He then finally began to rise up, and with one final hard pull, she snatched him out of the 'deadpool'. They both jerked off to the ground with a thud.

As soon as they gathered themselves up, she wrapped her arms around him, closing the distance between them, nearly choking him to breathe. His eyes widened as he couldn't react at the moment.

"See! You made it. Don't talk about things like that from now on. I-I thought I almost lost you. I got scared that I'll never be able to see you again." she mumbled in between her sobs.

"Don't you dare let such bad things come out of your mouth ever again." she stated, breaking the hug.

"Promise?" she innocently stretched out her pinky.

"Promise." he nodded in reassurance as he interlocked his own with hers.

She once again broke down in his arms as the tears refused to stop like the water escaping the dam. He enfolded his arms around her and took her in his warm embrace, gently stroking her hair.

Gradually, the deserted place came back to its original state that was a forest and a golden key shiningly emerged in front of them out of nowhere.


Jimin and Jungkook were just walking and walking to a place that seemed to have no end. As the path reached deeper into mysterious woods, everything felt dark, but they stumbled on, feeling their way around, finding new paths that would hopefully led them out, in their desperate attempt to find that key, the key which was their last hope that could open the door for Taehyung and Moon.

When they turned around the next corner, the trees stopped shaking and everything went deadly silent as if they took one tiny step and it would wake up the whole world. There was a sudden drop in temperature that shook them out of their reverie. They looked around and something strange happened. They could feel the cool, dreary breeze touching them, more of slapping them and then disappeared into thin air. They shuddered as a feeling of unease climbed up their spines.

Suddenly, the giant slabs of grey concrete stood forming a square around them. The walls had to be at least five stories high with thick green branches clinging to the top. It looked more of a barrier keeping something in. Before they could do anything, before they could run anywhere, they found themselves completely surrounded by the walls.

Author's Note:

Hey guys!! How was the chapter? I would love to hear your comments. So please leave a lot of them.

Have a lovely day/night!! Take care and stay safe~

I purple you 💜💜💜

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