31. Dark & Wild

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Nine pairs of eyes glanced at the prospect of the worst-case scenario. 

There it was. 

A dark figure appeared slowly, dragging his one foot against the metal floor, unconsciously smashing himself here and there with the cabinet doors as he walked, more of staggered. His whole body was shaking and twitching. His eyeballs were bloodshot which then rolled in their sockets crazily. Both mandible and maxilla composing his jaw looked dislocated and wide opened doing weird movements with tongue lolled outside. Ugly, greyish purple veins were popping out of his face and neck area. The warmth of his skin, long since drained, leaving only a sickly pale stain to decorate his rotting flesh. 

A stench of blood had long engulfed the air.

"What in the blue hell is that?!" 

A grave silence followed. Nobody could move like their feet were stuck on the spot with the help of adhesives. 

At first, the 'undead' appeared to be dormant, just hanging to the sides of the glass doing nothing. Then their footsteps were automatically withdrawn back with cold beads of sweat glistening on their temples when there arose a whole shamble of them.

Suddenly, the 'things' shrieked in an ear-piercing noise and then swooped and started banging hard on the windshield glass with their awfully broken arms, repeatedly, to the point that cracks began to form and it could break anytime soon.

It was a gruesome sight they had only seen in apocalyptic movies or the darkest phases of their nightmares but the fact that they have to encounter that and then also battle with that made their hearts froze within their ribcages.

Practically, it was Dark & Wild.

"What are you waiting for?!"


Amid the ruckus, they had successfully escaped the train compartment, securing themselves behind the adjacent one. Breaths hitched in their throats, palms placed on their kneecaps in weariness. 


"Where's Moon?!"


When they were in the process of rushing out, Moon tripped over and her arm got stuck in between the side berth, pinning her down to one of the seats.

"Where are you going? L-Listen-" Before Yoongi could say anything, the two were already out.

"Taehyung! Why are you here?!" Moon spat. 

"Why am I here?"

"To enjoy the sight of you being eaten up by those maniacs." His reply definitely left her aghast.

"Of course, to take you with me, stupid!"

Taehyung tried to pull out her arm while the bangs on the glass were becoming wilder and wilder with each passing second.



"Just leave from here. They're about to break in, Taehyung!" Moon yelled out loud, tears already staining her cheeks.

"Will you just button up your lip?!"

With one final strong twist, Taehyung snatched her arm out of the seat and that was the moment when the glass cracked and a swarm of zombies broke in, crowding the compartment they still stood in.

Taehyung's eyes instantly turned to purple as he shot the purple beams from his palms, which halted those 'things' to some extent.

"Quickly, take her out." Jimin who was with them until now told.

"But Jimin-"

"Trust me! Nothing's gonna happen to me, I will handle it." 

"Now go!"

As Taehyung moved out with Moon clinging onto his side, soon there was a whirlwind in that section.

The others caught a glimpse of Jimin's marvelous eyes which were now magenta when he spun like a typhoon. The winds intensified around him, sending the pack of zombies flying, smashing some of them on the floor, some on the seats, and the rest outside the train through the broken windows.  

"Hurry up, Jimin!" Namjoon shouted upon seeing some of those creatures standing up again beside him.

Getting aware, Jimin hushed out of the chaotic mess to where the others were. 

"Argh! Help!" 

When Jin who was the in-charge to shut the glass door which was separating that horrible compartment from their own tried to do so, the already damaged head of one of those creatures got jammed in between the door. They tried to push the door to close it but it was as if that 'crazed' had no effect at all because it grunted even more, hungry to bite, craving for their flesh.

Yoongi's irises shined bright yellow when a same-colored thunder beam emerged from the tip of his finger and struck the zombie straight in the middle of its forehead, creating a hole and gave it a blowjob which resulted in collapsing it along with the few left behind. 

In the midst of that, Hoseok hastily slammed and locked the door.

"We have to do something. They might break this one too." Taehyung voices out everyone's thoughts.

 "Hang on!"

Jungkook extirpated the few berths fixed with the floor like they were nothing, his eyes now glowing steel grey. He then compacted the door by blocking it with those seats which were now nothing but included in debris.

They heaved a sigh of relaxation as everything seemed to be calm on the other side now.

"Oh God, if this was going to be a zombie apocalypse thingy then at least it should've been set in the supermarket or something else," 

"Why in the Zendar  world in a train, in a freaking 'moving' train?!"

"Shut up Jungkook! It's not like they would've asked you? Is it?!" Taehyung snapped, clearly bothered by the situation. 

"What to do now? It is impossible to defeat them like that cause they don't get affected at all." Hoseok said as he took a seat beside Jin.

"There's still a possibility in 'im-possible'."

"And if nothing is impossible, is it possible for something to be impossible?" Namjoon mentioned.

While the others just stood with their mouths agape, like their minds have lost their connection and were in a loading state, trying to decipher his words.

"Stop playing with words and just explain in brief, Namjoon-ah!" Yoongi grumbled.

"To be precise,"

 "Nothing is impossible unless you think it is!" The gravity power holder remarked with utmost determination. 

"So first of all, we have to reflect on the things that are their weaknesses and those exactly are what we will use as our strengths." Moon proposed the idea.

"First and foremost, they can't properly see in the dark."

"You're right, I've seen in movies." Jungkook nodded in agreement.

"Next, they don't get hurt anywhere but I think a headshot will do?"

"We can't defeat them, but the least we can do is to burn their entire existence." A sly smirk appeared on Hoseok's face which scrunched up a little along with his infamous dimples. 

"And last but not least, they're highly sensitive to any kind of stimulus and smell." Taehyung sealed the 'points to remember' chart by adding his own.

"About the last point, leave it to us."

"Right, Jin?" Bee winked at Jin, which he returned back with a swift smirk that effortlessly formed its way onto his lips as if they had some sort of silent understanding. 

"If the strength won't do, the magic can do." 


"Let's do this!"


Author's Note:

So how was the 'middle part'? If you like it then don't forget to anticipate the 'climax' .😏

Have a nice day/night! Take care, stay safe~

And you know? I purple you 💜💜💜

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