33. Forsaken

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"Welcome to Level 8!"


Everything was just a blur to their very eyes for a few seconds which took them to adjust their vision.

Plumes of dust erupted in the ambiance, giving the air a musty smell. Hot waves of wind blew as if reminding them that they were alive right there in that moment of time. Upon that, even the most casual clothing becoming as the sails of a great ship.

"Ah, my eyes," Bee growled as a speck of fine dust particles filtered through her eyes. 

The rest of the others were no different either as they finched strongly. 

"Here, let me see—"

Hoseok cupped Bee's cheeks between both of his palms, which squished a bit as he did so, making her look even more adorable than she already was.

Bee could swear that her cheeks were flushing beet red upon the close proximity as Hoseok tried to blow the dust out of her eyes. Sucking in short breaths in between, his lips moved gently as warm yet soft breath hit her face. The irritation in her eyes was long gone when she captured a good look of the person with slightly worried expressions in front of her. 

Piercing almond orbs played hide and seek from in between his ruffled chestnut locks which were curtaining half of his forehead. His diamond-shaped face, with more prominent and sharp features, his nose a perfect slope leading to thin pink lips, only to be parted by the philtrum along the way, pointier jawline, and high cheekbones providing a more elegant look and god that adam's apple bobbing up and down as he leaned closer was more than enough to allure her, to make her heart do flips inside her chest.

Jung Hoseok, why are you so breathtaking?

It didn't need the genius to tell that his skin was weather-beaten, she wondered in awe how it still appeared to be sun-kissed. How it made her feel an emotion which she never actually felt before, jealousy. Jealousy from the sun.

"Is it better now?" Hoseok's sweet voice snapped Bee out of her daze.  

"No, no, I think there is more." 

"Ah, it hurts," A small smirk unconsciously crept up to the corners of her lips as she inched closer to him.

Hoseok once again started to blow slowly, delicately tracing his thumb under her eyebags.

"Ahem," Namjoon cleared his throat as he curled his fist before his lips.

"It seems like the dust of the entire universe has taken a shelter in her eyes," Moon commented, little giggles leaving her mouth shortly.

Bee facepalmed herself internally upon forgetting that they were not alone but surrounded by the seven others.

She then nudged Moon who was still chortling, clasping her palms together.

"If the lovebirds' romance is over, then shall we move further?" Yoongi asked, which sounded more of a statement rather than a question.

Hoseok opened his mouth to say something but nothing really came out as a crimson hue now plastered on his whole face. He was actually a bit taken aback as he least expected to hear this from Yoongi.

While Bee awkwardly shifted her gaze away upon the mention of the term "lovebirds", she couldn't help but smile to herself.

"Let's get going!"


As they covered some distance, the landscape was desolate and devoid of any inhabitants as if waiting for their presence. It was nearly vacant of greenery and sunshine.

To their left was probably a junkyard where the piles of rusted metal and smashed bodies of old cars were stacked on top of one another.

Wilted trees stood upon the wide avenues, their leaves curled and blackened in the heat.

The crooked houses that were built almost without gaps, an odd alley laid to the long gardens behind. The homes were either redbrick with bare ivy tendrils reaching the rooftops or the Tudor style, white with dark beams, all in various states of decay. It looked bleak as if people just picked up their luggage and left after the place had been struck by the war without any prior warning.

There were no noises of anyone or anything. Everything was hazy, abandoned— almost nerve-wracking. 

In an open field that seemed to have no boundaries, an isolated swing was quite still upon its ropes like it was enjoying a meditative dream. The idle swing had a musical creak as if in all this time it had learned to become both entertainer and audience for its own sake. Beside it, there was a roundabout that spun slowly where the wind directed it to, confirming the fact that the barren piece of land definitely used to be a playground. It felt as if the happiness that once lived there had long seeped into the wood.

The possibility of not believing they couldn't hear any noise when there would be noise was spine chilling. The emptiness was becoming difficult to understand. The 'Fear of the unknown' turning out to be the worst fear, making them gulp hard.

"W-Why is it so quiet?" Taehyung muttered under his breath but he could bet that everyone heard that, they were just trying their best to not let the concern take over them.

The team of nine was having some sort of internal battles when the heavy grey mist obscured their vision, totally engulfing all around.

"Argh! I can't see anything," No one could tell from which direction the voice was coming from but they were aware enough that it was Jin's. 

"Where are you guys?!" Worry was dripping from Namjoon's tone because of the abrupt blockage of the surroundings.

"Hyung! Someone is trying to kidnap me!" Jungkook's voice came muffled as if his mouth was sealed under some cloth.

"No one is hijacking you, that's my cape, you stupid!" Jin who was now tackled down to the ground by courtesy of Jungkook grumbled, falling flat on his face.

"Ouch, my foot!"

"Sorry, Moon." Taehyung's apology came real quick when he felt he was squishing something under his boot.

"Bee, you are here, right?"

"Yes Hoseok, I'm right here." 

Despite the sudden chaos, the couple was gripping each other's hands tightly.

"Whoever it is, get off my ass!"

"I ain't lingering onto you by purpose, I tripped, okay?!" Jimin carped before regaining his composure warily.

When the thick mist fogging their sight evaporated into thin air, suddenly, they were on a piece of what didn't seem to be land at all, it was much more narrower.

Yoongi's palms were placed on either side of his hips. "Yah! Can't you even handle yourself, Jimin-ah?! It still hu—" 

Before he could complete his sentence, a horrifying view hits him as he squinted his eyes.

Terror pooled their systems, and their jaws literally couldn't be more widened than when they saw the endless pit filled with lava at the bottom.

A bridge.

Jimin knew what was coming and frankly, he hated it.

"My instincts never betray me!" Taehyung once again cursed under his breath.

"Uh-huh, this doesn't look stable." Hoseok stuttered as he could already feel his legs jiggle.

"We don't seem to have any other option, we have to cross it," Namjoon stated as he glanced behind where there was nothing but void. 

It didn't take them any longer to figure out that they were in the middle of nowhere, the only means to get themselves out of there was to pass through the bridge ahead which looked— scary as hell.

"Watch out for your step!"

Soon they were carefully walking across the bridge, forming a line. The rotten nylon ropes on each side were the sole support, the wooden planks beneath had wide gaps between them, and if that wasn't enough, there was a dread pool of lava bouncing below, ready to rag their flesh off. 

Jimin did his best to swallow his screams and looked straight, knowing that the tremendous amount of height and lava would make his knees wobble.  

Multiple screeches filled the air when the bridge made a huge gash of swing.

"Calm down guys. Just take deep breaths." Namjoon said comforting words without moving from his place, as he was leading the group in the front.

One by one, watching out their steps cautiously they somehow nearly traversed the dire path as they could finally see the other end when a sound instantly made them snap their heads behind.


Author's Note:

Hey guys!!! What's poppin'? First of all, I apologize for taking so long to update, I was a bit busy with my schedule. 

What's gonna happen with 'creak'? Any guesses? Ha ha ha

This is going to be the second last level, so please anticipate further.

Lastly, I fell for Hobi while writing his appearance *ascends to nirvana*

Purple you 💜💜💜

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