Levi x child reader (Rewritten)

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I hope you guys like the revised version

It was a bright sunny day in the walls, the sun was shining high in the sky as the birds flew. (Y/N) was sitting out under a lone tree looking up at the the birds flying, smiling that the birds are free, that they don't have to live confined within the walls, scared when the next titan attack will come. (Y/N) wishes she had wings so that she can fly high into freedom. As she was too busy looking out at the sky she didn't notice the figure of her father walking towards her, Levi smiled as he saw his daughter.

As Levi's footsteps drew near, (Y/N) turned around and smiled as she saw Levi,

"Daddy!" She got up and hugged him. Levi smiled as he picked her up and hugged her back,

"Hey sweetheart what are you doing out here?" 

"I'm just watching the birds!" Her eyes looked back up as a bird settled on the tree branch. 

"Why the birds kido?" He asked as he watched the bird land on a nest.

"They can fly high daddy....they have freedom.." Levi's eyes widened at her words. 


"They don't have to worry about the titans....about wondering if they are going to live the next day......they have wings they can fly high and be free from all of this....."

"Sweetheart," Levi sets (Y/N) down as he sits besides her, " We will be free someday, don't you worry."

"What about the fallen daddy?.....are they free now?"

".....Yes, they are finally free, they have their wings now...." Levi's eyes filled with remorse and sadness at the thought of all the soldiers that have fallen over the past years.....including his squad....(M/N) was apart of his squad, they grew so close yet he lost her on that fateful day....

"....will the titans ever go away?" She asked as she plucks a flower from the ground.

"..Yes they will I will make sure of it, " Levi says, "That's why I always go on missions to eradicate the enemy so that you can be safe."

(Y/N) smiles at her father's words, "You're the strongest person in the world daddy, I know you'll beat those scary titans!"

Levi chuckles, "You're my hero!" (Y/N) hugs Levi's neck after her declaration. Levi's eyes filled with tears as he held his daughter close to him. 

"I will always be your hero sweetheart." 


"Yes sweetheart?"

".....do you think mommy is happy and is always watching over us?"

"..Yes she is," Levi looks up at the sky and smiles, "she will be very proud to know that everyone's death was not in vain." Suddenly, Eren Yeager came running towards the captain,

"Sir, titans have invaded the walls! We need to go now!"

Levi let go of his daughter go as he glared at the titan shifter, "Inform Commander Erwin at once!" Eren nodded at his instructions and ran off to tell Commander Erwin of the attack. Levi looked back at his daughter, who had tears in her eyes,

"...I'm going to go on another mission (Y/N), and I need you to stay here where it's safe, you understand?"

(Y/N) nods, "Yes"

"I'll take you to Hanji, she's staying back on this mission so she'll be watching you until I get back." He lightly grabs her hand and they walk towards Section Commander Hanji's office. Once there levi knocks on the door, Hanji opens it,

"Hey Levi, you need anything?"

"Yes, titans have invaded the walls and I need you to watch (Y/N) until I get back."

"Of course Levi," Levi hands (Y/N) over to Hanji, "I'll be back soon (Y/N) don't worry..." He lightly kisses the top of her head before turning away, "Oh and one other thing Hanji,"

"If anything happens to my daughter, I will personally feed you to the titans myself" He says in a serious tone as he glares at Hanji with his monotone eyes. Hanji, not scared at all by Levi's attitude, nodded in seriousness.

"Trust me nothing will happen to her." After hearing those words Levi nods,

"Good." Before he could turn away to go towards the other squads he heard his daughter's voice,

"I love you daddy! Go beat those titans and show them whose boss!" He smiled and nods turning away towards where Commander Erwin was with the other scouts.

"I love you top sweetheart and I will kill every last titan."

And done. This is the rewritten version I hope you guys enjoy it and sorry if it's short.

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