I Run Things Around Here

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[Modern AU]
Employee!Levi x Boss!Reader
    Word Count: 1102 words
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Levi sighed as he fixed the tie to his suit. Erwin recommended him to his boss for a new job. For Levi is was annoying having Hanji also talk about this 'too good boss'

"Tch no one bosses me around" He spoke coldly as Hanji and Erwin chuckled.

"Shorty this isn't your typical boss. Do you actually think that by running to most prestigious company internationally it'll have a weak CEO?" Hanji asked shaking her head

"This one will have your jeans behind you head pretty quick. Eyes like a hawk, confidence like the alpha in a pack" Erwin added opening and holding the glass door into the large building.

The three entered the cold and silent lobby of the building. A large chandelier hung from the ceiling illuminating the room as they waited for the elevator

"I'm surprised you were hired without an interview though" Hanji muttered as the doors opened with a small chime.

Erwin nodded fixing the cuff links to the suit "in all honesty she'll run you like a mule later on if she doesn't like you so Levi don't be snarky" he warned earning a 'Tch' from the smaller males Hanji clicked the highest level of the building

"She? As in female?" Levi questioned with an eyebrow scoffing. "No one not even a brat like her will tell me what to do" he sighed running a hand through his black tresses

Hanji smirked as the doors opened once more "tell her that yourself" she shoved Levi out the elevators as they followed close behind.

"Office right there" Erwin pointed at a black glass in case room "we'll be at our cubicle if you need emergency care" Hanji chimed fixing her glasses as the two left

Levi kept his stoic expression as he growled lowly. The women stared at his masculine, chiseled face. Everyone whispered as eyes followed him making his way towards the boss' office.

He sighed running his hand through his hair once more before opening the door without permission revealing a large black leather chair facing the opposite direction

"I understand...I need it by Friday before 6 in the afternoon...thank you" A female voice spoke into the phone as she sighed "give me a second" she muttered placing the phone against her shoulder

"Do you not know how to fucking knock? Didn't your mother teach you respect?" She asked turning the office chair around facing him.

Levi raised an eyebrow at her language but was captivated by her features. Her bright (e/c) eyes, (long/short) (h/c) hair seemed to fit her face perfectly. Luckily a blush nor his expression changed

"Who the hell are you?" She asked demandingly urging him on as she stared into his Steele gray eyes

"Levi Ackerman. New assistant" Levi responded short and simple as he closed the door realizing the glass was only one way.

The black pen in her hand pointed at the leather chair for him to sit as she continued the call.

Levi was surprised her expression didn't falter from first impression. Usually they'll cower away or swoon over him. 'Nice change of things' he thought looking out the black glass

(Y/N) placed the phone back down as she stood up revealing her curvaceous figure as she made her way towards the file cabinet in the corner of her room

Levi's eyes directed themselves to the sound of her black heels clicking against the floor. His gaze followed the curves of her body which were defined by the tight pencil shirt and slightly unbuttoned white blouse revealing some cleavage

"Ackerman I'm impressed by your résumé. Best I've seen in a long time" she said as she pulled out a mamilla folder and closed the cabinet and made her way towards her large desk.

Sitting upon the edge in front of Levi her eyes scanned his body before returning to the paper.

In all honesty her heart was throbbing against her chest. She's never seen someone like him. His strong yet cold eyes looking back at her, his rough voice, his face features just made her melt but her job came first

"Tch I've been working for a shitty consent before" Levi responds sighing as he smirked. "I can see your expression of you like it you don't have to stare" he added

(Y/N) scoffed "very funny Ackerman but in all seriousness why would you like to be my personal assist other than for the pay" she crossed her legs

Levi shrugged "shitty glasses and eyebrows said I'll be perfect as your assistant"

Nodding, she got off her desk fixing her white button up that she couldn't fix a couple button because of her breast which she had to leave the open.

"Impress me" she ordered as she placed the file back inside the cabinet

"I would but I can't we shouldn't do such elicit things in your office. Shouting my name wouldn't be so civilized" Levi commented with a smirk as he stood up as fixed his suit.

(Y/N) chuckled as she turned towards him "oh really?" She asked responding with a smirk as well.

Levi bit the inside of his lip as she smirked 'damn it she's too good' he thought as she walked his way slowly looking into his eyes mischievously

"I'm very open minded so you could know but I'm not submissive" (Y/N) shrugged standing before him as she grabbed his tie and turned his back towards the desk backing him up

Levi liked her confidence, the tone of her words, how she wasn't afraid to play along and didn't take his words to heart

His back hit the desk gently as (Y/N) pulled him towards her and leaned into the side of his head

Her warm breath trailed down his neck sending small jolts through him. His eyes looked hers as they made eye contact as she closed hers and smirked

"Tsk tsk tsk Levi seems as if you need to learn the ropes around here. You'll be shouting my name" she pulled away giving a sly wink handing him a paper, making her way towards the door opening it and cocked her head to the side to look at him

" I run things around here" (Y/N) sent a kiss exiting her office and walking into the cubicle area as Levi was left behind

He chuckled huskily with a small challenging smile looking at her leave and looked at the paper with a couple of things written.

'Hired good luck (phone number)'

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