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The Olympic games had come to a close, and the streets of Olympus were alive with sound. Vendors stood beneath white tented domes, hocking their wares in every square, and the scent of summer fruit tainted the air with sweetness. Lexi felt compelled to visit a vendor and purchase a few melons for Fiona. During her conversation with the goddess, whose name was Breanna, Lexi learned she was the granddaughter of Persephone. Apparently, Breanna's son, Del, had been injured while participating in a chariot race, and Lexi promised to pay Del a visit at the palace infirmary. At her offer, Breanna pledged to repay Lexi in whatever manner she chose.

Breanna's words rang in Lexi's head as she continued her trek to the palace. Lexi never expected compensation for performing her godly duties. She certainly didn't expect gold. Did the other gods get kickbacks for using their unique talents? Lexi could never see Heracles asking another god to mow his lawn in exchange for carrying a bed up the stairs.

At the palace, Lexi dropped her internal chatter, and after handing the melons to a palace nymph for safe keeping, she visited the infirmary. Del was a handsome, pale-skinned god, with eyes that had probably broken a few goddess's hearts. Although she and Del had never met, he greeted her with a welcoming smile.

"Lady Lexi! I cannot believe I am finally meeting you," he said, straining to sit upright. "Persephone talks of your altruism and kindness. She assured me I would not have to wait long before you would come to Olympus and heal me."

A blush warmed Lexi's face as she sat next to his bed. "I am sure the caretakers have done a fine job with you."

"They have kept me comfortable with medication, but they cannot heal my wounds with a single touch like you can. Jules swears you are part angel."

Lexi chuckled at the thought of Jules' infatuation with her. "Jules tends to exaggerate. How did you injure your leg? Your mother said it was in a chariot race."

A frown took over his face as he glanced down at the bandages around his calf. "Yes. I was in the lead and my horse got spooked by something. Zeus was right behind me when I got ejected by my chariot, and he was able to avoid smashing my head, but the wheel of his chariot tore through my leg."

Lexi cringed as she imagined the terrifying scene. "Well, it's a good thing Zeus had the presence of mind to react quickly. I'm sorry about your leg... and the race."

"I trained every day for two years to earn the privilege to race Zeus in the Olympic games, and I blew it."

"It sounds like your horse blew it. You were in front of Zeus. That is quite a feat, from what I hear."

He nodded and a small smile found his face. "I was in the lead for nearly one turn of the lap, so I did enjoy a few moments of glory."

Lexi spent the next few minutes with Del, mending his leg and answering questions about the underworld, which seemed to interest him. During her visit, Lexi attracted the attention off two caretakers, who observed her healing practices with wide-eyed interest. It was then that Lexi remembered her own health concerns, and she scheduled a prenatal visit with Hera. By the time she left the infirmary, she had gained three new friends.

The Olympic after party was in full swing when Lexi reached the grand ballroom. It wasn't the first party she had been coerced into at the palace, but she still missed the presence of Hades' arm and the sound of his voice, and she imagined him describing the havoc he and his brothers caused in that very room. The incident involving Hades setting the curtains on fire and blaming it on Zeus was one of her favorites. Lexi knew it would do no good to complain about her absence of a date, so she redirected her focus to her role for the evening; helping out a friend.

Lexi had dressed simply in a light blue silk sheath with split sleeves and a hemline that barely passed Hades' scrutiny. Her belly had definitely increased in size since the last time she wore the dress, and she found her hand moving automatically to the front of it. She glanced around for Odessa and Poseidon, half expecting Poseidon to appear at her elbow like he usually did, but neither of her friends seemed to be among the mingling guests.

Rhea was the first to find Lexi, ambushing her with a warm embrace and a billow of frankincense. "Good evening, Lexi. You look radiant, as usual."

"Hello, Rhea. It's wonderful to see you."

As Lexi spoke, Rhea held her at arms' length to inspect her. "You are beginning to blossom. Have you visited the infirmary for an examination yet?"

"No, but I scheduled a visit for next week. Don't worry. The nausea has subsided and I'm eating like a horse."

Rhea beamed as she kissed Lexi on the cheek. "You are such a blessing to us. Hades calls at least once a week now."

"Those calls mean a lot to him," Lexi offered. "He always has a story to tell me afterwards. I'm glad we were able to spend that weekend with you and Cronus in Rome. Hades told me he couldn't remember having such fun with his father."

Rhea continued to grace Lexi with a heartfelt smile until something caused her to lower her gaze. "I wish there could be more times like that. When the bylaws were rewritten after the war, they did not benefit Hades. But, I am grateful for what Gaia has offered. Come, let us see what delicacies have been set out for our pleasure."

As Rhea walked Lexi through the milling bodies, Lexi worked hard to keep her emotions at bay. Rhea's comment had triggered her anger reflex, the one she felt every time she thought of Hades being forbidden from Olympus. The bylaws seemed to favor Zeus in every way, and the more this fact was pointed out to her, the more she wanted to do something about it.

"Lexi!" A voice rang over the sound of party goers, and Lexi turned to find the flushed face of Odessa pushing desperately through the crowd. Poseidon was beside her, matching her strides while maintaining his usual confident air. "Here you are." Odessa panted as she came to a stop in front of Lexi, a single ringlet of hair poised haphazardly over one eye. "I was worried you wouldn't make it. Did you just get here?"

"Yes. You look stunning, Odessa. That gown suits you." Lexi offered her praise as she brushed her fingers over the luxuriant fabric of Odessa's fitted gown. It was made of thick cream damask with a bold, black design that scrolled across the lower half. Lexi felt certain she had seen the dress before.

"Oh, thank you. It's one of Aphrodite's. She insisted on dressing me, since I rarely attend these types of events."

So, that's where Lexi had seen the dress. Aphrodite had worn it during one of her many visits to Lexi's family home. With a practiced smile, Lexi greeted Poseidon, who had donned a smoky gray robe accented with a white sash. It was very formal and un-Poseidon-like. "Good afternoon, Poseidon. I hope you don't mind if I tag along with you two."

His lips curved into a contented smile as he looked from Lexi to Odessa. "It will be a pleasure to have two remarkable goddesses on my arm. I will be the envy of every god here."

Rhea appeared next to Lexi before she realized the titaness had been gone, and a plate of fruit was handed to her. "I noticed you enjoy fruit, Lexi." Rhea acknowledged Poseidon with a familiar smile. Then her eyes fell on Odessa, which was followed by a pause, although she gracefully recovered without making it too obvious. "It is wonderful to see you, Odessa. You performed superbly in the games this year."

Odessa curtsied. "Thank you, your grace."

"I hope to see you at the tree planting ceremony," Rhea said as she waved pleasantly to a passing god.

"Certainly. When the lanterns are lit, the trees look as if they're dancing," Odessa said.

Poseidon chuckled politely. "That is a clever and telling comparison, Odessa. I look forward to watching the trees dance with you."

Odessa's face paled, giving her the look of enthralled terror, and Lexi slipped her hand behind Odessa's elbow in case she swooned. 

"I didn't know there was a tree planting ceremony," Lexi said, taking the reins. "I feel so out of the loop sometimes."

"There is no shame in that," Poseidon said. "You have been busy cultivating your relationship with Hades, which is paramount." He donned a heart-stopping smile, which he relished on Lexi as he continued his essay. "Every year, the Olympic games close with a symbolic tree planting ceremony. And, as Odessa pointed out, the trees are strung with lanterns, which are lit at dusk. One fortunate god or goddess is chosen to plant a new sapling. The names are taken from the guest list. I hope you added your name to the list, Lexi."

Poseidon motioned toward a podium supporting a leather-bound book, but Lexi barely noticed the book. She was trying to figure out why Poseidon was suddenly supporting her relationship with Hades after almost three years of trying to distract her from him. When she finally followed his gesturing hand, Zeus' barrel chest ventured into her line of vision. He was standing next to the podium talking with Dionysus wearing his usual party garb, a flowing white robe tied at the waist by a gold braided rope.

As if her stare had triggered his stubborn offspring meter, Zeus glanced across the room and caught her eye. A flicker of annoyance flashed across his face but quickly cooled to a smile and a cordial wave. She didn't try to read into his mood swings. He was either overly annoyed or overly excited about something. Zeus bowed his pardon to Dionysus and headed toward Lexi, striding purposefully through the sea of bodies like only the king of everything could.

"Pleasant evening, Lexi. I hope you are feeling well." Zeus' greeting felt stiff, and Lexi decided the look he gave her earlier was annoyance. She didn't speculate beyond that.

"I am well, thank you," she replied with equal formality.

"Is that all the nourishment you're going to take in?" he said, looking at the plate of fruit in her hand. "Don't tell me you're going to behave like a foolish goddess and starve yourself to stay thin throughout your pregnancy."

"Oh, no. There's nothing wrong with my appetite. I just haven't had a chance to visit the buffet table. Rhea was good enough to get me started with this." Lexi popped a grape into her mouth before continuing. "I hear you made another stellar showing at the chariot races. I paid a visit to Del in the infirmary and healed his leg. It could have been much worse if you hadn't been such an accomplished racer. It's too bad I can't heal broken egos, though. He was pretty crushed he wasn't able to finish."

Zeus puffed up his chest and tugged on the collar of his robe, one of his habitual gestures. "Yes, well... I'm glad you were able to set him right. Chariot races are not for the weak-willed." Zeus turned to Odessa to offer a polite smile. "It is nice to see you out and enjoying yourself, Odessa. When Aphrodite informed me you were accompanying Poseidon to the party, I thought she had been indulging in too much ambrosia."

"You make me sound like a recluse," Odessa challenged, her shoulders straightening. "I am simply choosy about the receptions I attend and who I attend them with." She looked pointedly at Poseidon, who broke into a boyish grin. Lexi struggled to contain a giggle. Boyish was not an adjective she would use to describe Poseidon. Juvenile, yes, but not boyish.

"Forgive me. I did not mean to imply you were a recluse," Zeus countered. "I am aware of the charitable lifestyle you lead. I hope you all enjoy the rest of your evening. I am required at the grove."

Zeus nodded graciously but curtly, setting his lips in a grim line as he walked away. Lexi watched him hurry determinedly toward a curtained doorway, avoiding several hands bidding for his attention. It seemed the king of everything had his party panties in a bunch.

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