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Lexi had never been so grateful to see the gates of Olympus. For the duration of the chariot ride, Hecate reacquainted Lexi with her interpretation of the silent treatment, and Lexi spent the entire journey wondering what had set Hecate off. Did she blame Lexi for putting those ideas into Ink and Lisbon's heads? Was Hecate that opposed to having other gods make their home in the underworld, or was it something else completely?

It wasn't until Heracles greeted them with his handsome smile and warm welcome that Hecate exercised her vocal chords, taking his arm and engaging him in conversation while Lexi pretended to be entertained by their banter. Heracles appeared oblivious to Hecate's snub of Lexi, and it wasn't long before Lexi was making her own way through the palace. Odessa had agreed to meet Lexi in the reception room so they could walk into the meeting together, but it was Poseidon's commanding form Lexi noticed first as he stood next to Odessa in his blood red robe. Lexi hated those robes, and she was grateful it was only the males who chose to dress that way.

Lexi and Odessa embraced, and Lexi allowed Poseidon to kiss her hand, after which she offered him a playful warning. "You better be careful, Poseidon. You're fraternizing with the enemy, you know."

"If I were afraid of making enemies, there would not be so many who wish to see my head on a spike."

Odessa fluttered her hand against her chest as she gasped. "Don't say such horrible things about yourself, Poseidon. You'll give me nightmares."

Poseidon reached out and touched Odessa's cheek as his eyes twinkled. "I never want to be part of your nightmares, unless I am the one slaying the monsters that haunt you."

Lexi willed herself not to roll her eyes. "Do you have the revised agenda, Odessa? I want to be sure we're on the same page."

As Lexi pulled a scroll from her pocket, Odessa did the same. "I believe my page is the same as your page, unless you made changes since last we spoke."

Lexi smiled at Odessa's literal interpretation of a mortal euphemism. Odessa had seen very little of the outside world, which was true for many of the gods, but Lexi was hoping to change that. The bell rang to call the council members together, and the three of them walked through the expansive hallway, chatting pleasantly. It wasn't until Lexi entered the meeting room and saw her father's face that her mood darkened. Zeus appeared to have the same reaction when he caught Lexi's gaze, but rather than ignore her as Hecate chose to, he strode toward her with grim determination.

"I understand you and Hades are still harboring fugitives," he said by way of a greeting.

Although Lexi considered his recent behavior not becoming of a benevolent leader, she chose to respond graciously. Provoking him never got her anywhere. "Ink and Lisbon are still in the underworld, if that's who you're referring to."

"Of course, I am. In my mind, they are fugitives, and you and Hades are guilty of aiding and abetting." He scowled like only Zeus knew how, and when Poseidon arrived to stand beside Lexi, his scowl lightened, but only slightly. "Good day, brother. I expect you are aware that your son is still at large."

"I hear that Ink and Lisbon have become enamored with each other and are making impulsive decisions in an attempt to secure their future. You and I have been guilty of the same."

The two gods regarded each other with intense stares until Ares strolled by, bringing them back to the present with his version of dry wit. "The natives are getting restless."

They turned to face the table of gods, who were all seated, their attention focused impatiently on Zeus. He held up his hand to acknowledge the gods as he leaned in to whisper in Lexi's ear.

"We will continue this discussion after the meeting adjourns."

As Zeus took his place at the podium, Poseidon escorted Lexi to an empty chair next to Odessa before taking his seat on the other side of the table. Odessa reached for Lexi's hand and gave it a comforting squeeze just as a nymph appeared at Lexi's shoulder, handing her a goblet of water. Lexi recognized the nymph as Celia, whose dimensions had grown nearly as prominently as Lexi's, and the two shared a smile as they regarded each other's bellies.

"Good day, fellow gods of Olympus." Zeus' voice boomed over the assembly, causing Lexi to startle and spill water on her dress. "Thank you for making time to participate in this council meeting. Today, we will hear from three of our honored council members. Dionysus will speak on behalf of the vineyard satyrs. As you know, their numbers have dwindled, and he has concerns as we head into the fall harvest. Hestia is making her yearly plea for assistance with the architectural preservation society and the need for more able hands. We all know Heracles cannot lift every pillar himself. And, finally, we will accommodate Lexi and Odessa as they present a modified version of the agenda they wish to enact as part of their legacy council."

Zeus gestured Dionysus forward and relinquished the podium to the slender, red-faced god. Lexi listened attentively as Dionysus described his plight with the burgeoning vineyards and the troublingly low numbers of satyrs to pick the fruit. Unfortunately, Dionysus had no reasonable suggestions to remedy the situation other than using centaurs, who tended to damage the grapes due to their large size. 

Hestia took the stand next and quickly reminded Dionysus that she needed the centaurs to help carry the heavy loads for her restoration projects. She beseeched the gods to speak to all their acquaintances and encourage anyone with a strong back and stalwart constitution to join the labor force.

When Hestia took her seat, it was Lexi and Odessa's turn to face the assembly. Lexi couldn't say whether Odessa had picked up on the theme of the meeting, but an idea had begun to form inside Lexi's head, an idea she hoped to use to their advantage.

"Pleasant day to everyone, and thank you for hearing Odessa and I speak on behalf of Gaia and the titans," Lexi began as she smiled at the faces of her friends. "As you recall from our summer meeting, it was suggested a special council be formed to conceive ways we can better align with our purpose as gifted gods. Our first effort at an agenda was refused by the council, so Odessa and I have modified the original to include only two of the four objectives. Volunteering, which would take the form of participating in duties relegated to satyrs, centaurs, and nymphs. And philanthropy, to be carried out as acts of generosity in the mortal world. It is hoped these acts of altruism will not only benefit Olympus as a community, but it will go far in honoring Gaia and her original plan for all of us."

Lexi paused, allowing the gods a chance to speak up, and when no one protested, she proceeded with her newly hatched idea. "As I listened to Dionysus and Hestia present to the council today, I was struck with the realization that their requests make the perfect argument in favor of the legacy council. Dionysus needs more hands in the vineyards, so why not enlist the help of willing gods. It would be the perfect volunteering opportunity. The same goes for Hestia's request for able bodies to restore the ancient buildings of Olympus. Heracles can take a break from lifting pillars to assist with recruiting. I have yet to meet anyone who can refuse his charming smile."

Lexi settled her gaze on Odessa, gesturing her toward the podium, and Odessa stepped forward to say her piece.

"I believe Lexi has spoken quite well on our behalf, but I would like to add that as of today's date, we have fifteen gods and goddesses who are interested in joining the legacy council once it has been approved. They have agreed to participate in any and all volunteering opportunities, as well as philanthropic endeavors. The odd number will prevent stalemates in voting, which we will continue to observe as the council grows. Thank you very much for your time and scholarly consideration."

Bowing simultaneously, Lexi and Odessa took their seats as Zeus resumed his commanding stance at the podium. "Well, my friends, you have heard from all three of our speakers today, and I ask that you place your votes regarding the legacy council in the ballot box as you exit. A yes vote will go in favor of the council being adopted, and a no vote will count against. As for the objectives brought up by Dionysus and Hestia, feel free to air your opinions amongst yourselves then write out your suggestions on parchment. The nymphs will pick them up and return them to me. This meeting of the council is adjourned."

After a brief glance at Lexi, Zeus strode toward the ballot box, penned his vote on a slip of paper, and shoved it unceremoniously through the slot. Lexi didn't have to guess which way he voted, and she was starting to think they would never agree on anything again. Lexi didn't blame Ink and Lisbon for their poorly-timed decision to remain in the underworld, but it certainly didn't help. Because Lexi had a say in the matter, she joined Zeus at the ballot box to cast her vote, and Poseidon joined them to do the same.

"Lexi, I would like to speak with you in the grove while the others deliberate," Zeus said as he opened the door. Lexi nodded her assent, but before she followed him out, she made a quick request of Poseidon.

"Could I trouble you to shadow us. I may need backup if negotiations turn ugly."

Poseidon nodded. "Of course, my lady."

The sunshine warmed Lexi's body as she and Zeus made their way along the path toward the elms. This cheered her, as the sun always did, and she stroked her belly with one hand while using the other for balance. Zeus hadn't spoken since they left the palace, not even to ask how she was feeling as she reached her seventh month of pregnancy. While Lexi tried not to let his foul mood bother her, she couldn't shake the sadness his indifference caused. It made her wonder if he put limitations on his love and whether her headstrong nature had pushed him past those limits.

When they reached the grove, Lexi walked to her special tree, which towered above even the oldest trees in the stand. Lexi crouched to read a few of the letters left by her admirers while Zeus stood next to her, his cross-armed stance announcing his growing annoyance. Was he not proud of her for attaining such devout followers? Isn't that what he wanted from his offspring, to be revered as he was? Was he jealous of her?

"If you have finished indulging your ego," he said flatly. "I would like to continue our previous conversation and discuss what you and Hades plan to do about it."

Lexi returned the letters and stood to face her father. As she studied the hard lines around his eyes, forced there by the scowl he had adopted since she arrived, she called up the feeling she had whenever he came to visit her as a child. He had always been her favorite uncle, although he had been given the role of godfather. Of course, she knew both were lies.

"Our plan is to let Ink and Lisbon decide when they are ready to leave," she said as she moved to stand beneath the shade of a large branch. "The underworld is not off limits to the gods, just as Olympus is not off limits to them. Except for Hades, of course."

Zeus' mouth curved inward until it looked like the puckered center of an orange. "Clearly, you and Hades have not considered the consequences of allowing those two to remain where they are. In the last ten turns, I have received at least as many requests for permission to visit the underworld, both by your party guests and by others who have been told they are missing something if they do not have a look for themselves."

Lexi made an effort to keep her face impassive, although she wanted to do a fist pump in Zeus' face. Apparently, her plan to entice the gods to explore the positive aspects of the underworld had worked. "Is that such a terrible thing? The gods of Olympus should know more about the other world they belong to."

"They do not belong to the underworld. It is a place for the dead. Apart from the few whose gifts require them to live there, only the gods who have had the misfortune of meeting such a fate belong there."

"But the underworld is part of their heritage, without it the mortal world would be overrun with souls, and by extension, Olympus would suffer. For eons, only five gods have served every soul who crosses over." Lexi swallowed as she made the decision to share Ink's intentions with Zeus. There was no sense putting it off. "In fact, Ink possesses a similar gift to Hades. He can communicate with souls, and he has asked Hades and me for permission to remain in the underworld permanently to fulfill his godly duties."

"What!" Zeus' cheeks burned like orange flames, and his hands clenched into fists as he held them tightly against his hips.

"The underworld could greatly benefit from Ink's skills," she hurried on. "He has been helping Hades at the gates and has already proven himself worthy."

"The underworld does not need more gods! As you so aptly pointed out, it has operated for eons with five, and there is no need for any others to join the ranks."

"How do you know the underworld wouldn't benefit from another competent god? You never visit the place. How do you know you wouldn't be denying Ink the ability to fulfill his destiny by forbidding him from assisting..."

"He is the son of Poseidon! He should not be gallivanting around the underworld with the dead!"

"And Hades is the son of Cronus! And I am the daughter of Zeus!" Lexi growled as she felt her own fists clench. "If you would take a moment to step off that pedestal you put yourself on and think about what is best for others and not just yourself, the balance of power might be restored in your beloved Olympus!"

"Enough!" Zeus's arms rose over his head, his muscles bunching as he wielded two powerful bolts of electricity. They left his hands together, emitting an ear-splitting boom and shaking the ground under Lexi's feet. Another thunderous crack echoed inside the grove, and a brilliant flash blinded Lexi as the lightning hit the limb over her head, severing it from its source.

The next sound she heard was her own name being shouted, but she didn't know by whom, and an impossibly heavy weight slammed into her. After which, everything went very dark and deathly quiet.

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