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It wasn't often words failed Hades, but the moment Lexi opened her eyes, none were needed. While onlookers murmured their relief, he stood stock still, staring at her until she reached out her hand, prompting him to react. He pressed his lips to her palm, absorbing her warmth, her taste, her fragrance. She restored him with one simple smile. The smile that spoke volumes. Pages upon pages of 'I will love you for eternity.' Their gaze was only broken when Hera lifted her head from Lexi's belly and made an announcement to the room.

"I hear two heartbeats. Strong as ever."

A cheer rose up, and Lexi squeezed Hades' hand before closing her eyes again. He watched her lips move, and he expected she was offering thanks to Gaia. He joined her, although there were not enough prayers in his repertoire to cover the gratefulness he felt. It even surpassed the moment he walked through the gates of Olympus after being permanently excommunicated, welcomed and reassured by his fellow gods as they escorted him to the palace. Hades could not recall the face of Zeus among the crowd. His brother had vanished once he ordered the gates open to allow Hades admittance. This was not a such bad thing.

Poseidon now stood beside him, and for once, Hades wasn't compelled to use his fists to rearrange Poseidon's face. It appeared Poseidon had already been punched, based on the blossoming bruise on his cheek. Hades didn't have to speculate who had given it to him. Zeus was sporting something similar when he arrived at the gates.

"You're going to earn yourself a reputation as a drama queen, Lady Lexi," Poseidon said as he smiled down at her. "You had us scared out of our wits. Present company included."

Lexi acknowledged Poseidon with a weak nod then pointed to a pitcher of water. Hades quickly prepared a glass while Hera propped a pillow behind Lexi's head.

"Drink slowly, Lexi," Hera admonished. "You don't want to shock your system."

Lexi did as she was told, taking a few sips before handing the glass back to Hades, who took a large gulp. He hadn't realized how parched his mouth had become, and there was still the taste of sawdust on his tongue. He wanted to tell Lexi the cribs were nearly complete, at least one of them was, and he couldn't wait to get her home and resting in their chamber. At the moment, however, Lexi looked tired and confused. Was she wondering why he was there when he should not be?

Hera performed her examination, flashing light into Lexi's eyes and listening to her heart. All the while, Lexi never lost her grip on his hand. "Her heartbeat is strong, her pulse is normal, and her pupils are responding well to light," Hera murmured as she unraveled a bloody bandage from around Lexi's shoulder. When she pulled it loose, she alerted everyone in the room with an uncharacteristic gasp.

"What is it, Hera?" Hades asked.

Hera said nothing, which was characteristic of her, and Hades was forced to follow her lead, stretching across the bed to get a look for himself. "It appears to be a bruise," he said.

"It is more than a bruise."

"Well? What is it, dear?" Rhea clicked her tongue as she peered over Hera's head to inspect the site. "Oh, sweet woodruff, you're right. That is no bruise. It is the Ouroboros. The mark of Gaia."

There was a collective round of exclamations, and Hades watched a smile lift Lexi's lips as she brought her hand to her belly. It was clear she had made a connection with Gaia, and Hades felt immensely proud of her, this young goddess with compassion enough for all of Olympus. Could that be why he felt a twinge of apprehension when he thought of the implications of such a mark? It was sure to carry great consequences for both of them.

Hera changed the dressing on Lexi's shoulder, and instructed her to lay on her side to take the pressure off her spine. Although Hera's next recommendation was to rest, Lexi gestured Hades close as soon as Hera left the bedside.

"You're here," she whispered.

"I will never be far away from you," he told her.

"But how?"

"Zeus." Although the mention of his brother's name had his blood boiling inside his veins, Hades knew it was Zeus' love for Lexi that made it possible for him to be with her now.

"It was an accident. He didn't mean to hurt me." Lexi brought her hand to his face, tracing his lips with her thumb. He caught it and kissed the pad.

"You need to rest, Lexi. I'm sure you will heal in no time. Then you can come home."

"Don't leave me." Her eyes widened as she voiced her plea.

"Never." He kissed her bandaged forehead and sat back in his chair, watching until her eyes closed and her body relaxed into rhythmic breathing.

A number of minutes had passed when a heavy hand came to rest on Hades' shoulder, and he glanced up to find Poseidon still standing beside him. "Lexi is in capable hands, Hades. I have been informed that Zeus has sought counsel with our father at the palace of titans. If you are inclined, we could take advantage of this rare opportunity to have a family exchange of views."

Hades looked pointedly at Poseidon's bruised face. "I take it you and Zeus exchanged a few views already."

"Damn right, we did. And if I encouraged it, there would be a line forming around the palace of others wishing to do the same."

Hades turned to Lexi, searching for signs she had heard Poseidon. He didn't want her to wake and find him absent, but she appeared peacefully incoherent, and Hades knew she would want him to say his piece with his father and brothers. Hades nodded his agreement as he relinquished his chair to Hecate, who squeezed his hand as she sat down. Her red-rimmed eyes told of her deep affection for Lexi. If Lexi woke before Hades returned, at least she would be comforted by the sight of her friend.

Poseidon guided his chariot over the red rooftops, following the setting sun to the palace of titans. Hades thought he would never again see the sun set over Olympus, but there he was, watching the golden orb dip toward the mountain peaks. Walking through the palace gates, Poseidon remained at his side like a comrade in arms, and Hades recalled his angry threat when Lexi told him of Poseidon's betrayal. He vowed to break Poseidon's neck the next time he saw him, but time had a way of softening the blow of painful memories, and the fact that Lexi chose to remain faithful to Hades held its own form of revenge. Besides, it was Zeus' neck he wished to break today.

Just as it had been when Hades entered Olympus, gods stopped their activities to stare in confusion or hurry over to offer a hearty back slap. Hades admitted to feeling overwhelmed by the reception. He had never been inside the palace of titans. The grandiose structure was erected after the war, but it still reflected the indulgent nature of the gods, with gold and marble commanding most of the surfaces. The wide corridor Poseidon led him through held the portraits of all the titans, each one gazing out condescendingly through their canvases.

A door burst open in front of them and angry words spilled into the hallway as a nymph escaped, shutting it quickly behind her. Her round green eyes bugged out when she noticed Hades and Poseidon, and she quickly dropped into a deep bow.

"Your graces. Should I bring refreshments for... for four?" she sputtered.

"I take it my brother and father are responsible for your distressed state?" Poseidon asked.

"Yes, sire. I mean, no, sire. I am not distressed, although Cronus and Zeus are engaged in a debate of some seriousness. I have been asked to fetch wine."

Poseidon turned to Hades. "Are you hungry, brother?"

"I could eat." To be honest, Hades was famished, having not taken in nourishment since breakfast.

The nymph needed no further instruction. She leaped into action, bowing as she walked backwards down the hall. "I will return with food and refreshments straight away, your graces."

When they entered the room, both bearded gods growled as they turned toward the door, ready to pounce on whomever was unfortunate enough to disturb them. At the sight of Hades, Cronus strode across the marble floor, his arms outstretched.

"Welcome home, Hades." His father embraced him roughly, which was the way it had always been, and his abrasive beard scratched Hades' neck like a wool sweater. "I hope you have received a gracious reception so far. I know there are some who fear we will meet our doom now that you have been allowed through the gates." Cronus's eyebrows rose as he stared pointedly at Zeus, who stood like a block of granite in front of a window. As Hades expected, Zeus' jaw was completely purple, looking like it had been smeared with grapes. Cronus gestured toward a chair. "Please, take a seat, son."

The room had been outfitted with a masculine collection of leather furniture, accented in rich mahogany and gilded in gold, which reminded Hades of his own study. He chose a wingback chair among a set of four. This one afforded him a view of the window where Zeus remained unflinching, and Hades took a moment to imagine Zeus being thrown through the glass by his feet.

"So, what are we discussing?" Poseidon asked as he took a seat next to Hades. His expression sobered significantly when Zeus glared at him, grumbling his reply.

"Cronus and I were discussing a matter that does not concern you."

"Like hell it doesn't!" Cronus boomed. "It affects every inhabitant in Olympus. And what is family for if not to offer assistance to each other?"

Zeus' lips tightened and he started pacing in front of the window, looking as if he were stomping the bones of the dead. "Poseidon has been ruling his domain for eons without the need to ask for help. Even Hades has fulfilled his duties nearly singlehandedly. How are they to offer assistance in this regard? Neither of them have had their thrones threatened."

"Are you saying you have?" Hades said, his words coming out just short of condescending.

Avoiding Hades, Zeus' stormy eyes flicked to Cronus as he threw his hands up, causing the air to crackle with electricity. "Go ahead. Tell them, Cronus. Tell them paybacks are hell."

Cronus shook his head, looking frustrated. "What do you want me to say, Zeus? That you are behaving like a god. That, like me, you acted against your own flesh and blood out of fear of losing your position of power. We fight internal battles all the time. It is in our nature. But it is also in our nature to feel love and compassion, without that, Hades would not be seated here with us."

Lips still pursed, Zeus offered Hades a brief acknowledgment without slowing his incessant pacing. Was this a family trait? Hades now saw how the practice could become annoying, especially when one was engaged in a serious discussion.

"Who exactly is threatening your throne, Zeus?" he asked.

Zeus finally stopped scuffing the floor with his heels and gave Hades his full attention. Was it because Hades had not used the more companionable epithet of 'Z', the one he had adopted when they were young gods running through the halls of the palace?

"I have known you too long to believe you haven't figured that out already, but for the sake of expedience, your beloved Lexi has been chosen by Gaia herself to supersede me."

A loud crash echoed from the hall, and the four gods turned to look at the nymph standing slack-jawed in the open doorway, a large tray of refreshments scattered in a mass of crystal and china at her feet.

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