A Waitress Named Susana

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Leyland Adventures Chapter Seven: Part Two

"So you can't tell me what you're building?"

"Absolutely not, wingless, we don't need you spoiling the project until it's done, ok?" The lead manager of the project, Nevada, her yellow construction outfit was ruined by the sands and dirt of the desert. Her light skin and golden hair that was tied up in a bun matched her yellow eyes.

"If the project is private then why build it near the entrance of the desert?"

"Listen here, I'm only taking orders from those above me and giving those orders to those below me. I have no idea why he wanted to build this thing here. If you ask me, I would've put it in the center of the desert but no...he says that's too far and customers don't want to travel such large distances."

"I see."

"Yeah so as much I would tell you, I can't, sorry."

"Hey, it's no problem. You're just doing your job."

"Alright kid, I gotta get back to work. Say, where are you heading anyway?"

"After coming here, I was just gonna go to a diner and then well...see where the wind takes me."

"All right. There's a diner not too far from here. Just keeping moving and you'll find Divine Plaza, it's like the Kula Outlet but way more spacious and better gear can be found there."

"Cool, umm...see ya."

Just as Tysashi left, he could hear Nevada screaming at the workers, telling them to work harder and move their pathetic bodies.

"She seems...somewhat nice."

Tysashi then made his way to Divine Plaza, just as Nevada stated, the plaza was similar to the Kula Outlet but unlike the outlet, the plaza was more spaced out and within the center laid a statue of an angel holding her hands together and her eyes sealed shut into darkness. Just like Rosin Center Park, there was also a fountain surrounding the angel. The walkway was formed of flat stones and the stores were limited though the freedom here made up for that.

Tysashi walked into the first diner he saw, it was an old fashioned diner complete with a checkered floor, circular seats, booths next to the windows and waitresses in appropriate white uniforms. Immediately he was greeted by a waitress who looked incredibly young for her features. Cream skin, shining green eyes, curled up blonde hair, and a smile that screamed innocence.

"Hi there, I'm Susana and I'll be your waitress today! In advance, we hope you enjoy the food and service here! With that out the way, please allow me to bring you to an empty booth near the window."

Her voice was light and cheery, her eyes were mysteriously appealing as her slender body and curves spoke for themselves. Her bosom was of average size and hidden from view. Her scent of vanilla could penetrate multiple noses at once, she was much like Aradressa in a way.

Just then, her mind refused to let go of the fact that this person looked familiar, very familiar. She quickly realized that this person won in the Leyland Arena, congratulating him like a little girl before sitting him down.

"May I start you off with something to drink?"

"Just water please."

"Okie dokie! I'll be right back!"

Tysashi stared at the menu, the variety of items he could order seemed endless to him. As his eyes gazed upon the food, he could only think of his brother and friends.

"I hope everyone is doing ok, especially Nya. She'll flip Lenovo upside down looking for me."

Unexpectedly, she came back with his water.

"That was fast but then again other people are being served by different waiters and it shouldn't take long to get a glass of water."

"Thank you."

"Uh-huh. So may I take your order?" From her dress pocket, a notebook and pen was now in her hands.

"I'll have the All-Star special please. I would like my eggs scrambled and a bit of butter on the pancakes please."

"All right. Coming right up!"

Susana took the the menu as she departed. Tysashi was alone in his thoughts again.

"Maybe I should've left Aradressa a note saying I was gonna go explore. I told her mother and I'm sure she's awake." He took the pocket watch from his pocket, staring at it with empty eyes before sighing and placing back in his pocket.

"Maybe I should've told her..."

"Here's your food!" Susana carefully placed his meal down, along with the silverware she provided him.

"Umm...wow thanks."

"No problem!" She smiled.

Just as Tysashi began to pick up his silverware, Susana sat parallel to him, smiling as she did.

"Umm...are you going to watch me eat?" He asked, hesitant to begin eating.

"Yup, I'm just going to sit and talk with you as you eat."

"Is this allowed?"

"Of course, why do you think we attract so many male customers?"

Tysashi froze for a second.

"Whoa whoa, I'm not here for that kind of stuff, I just came here for food."

Susana giggled. "Hey, don't be embarrassed if you're lonely."

"I'm not lonely though."

"Of course not because I'm here with you."

Tysashi sighed as he began to eat, Susana only stared at him before he felt comfortable to even speak to her.

"So...do you know anything about the ten gemstones and how to get them?"

"There are multiple ways to get a gemstone."

"Oh, what are the ways?"

"Well, the task differs depending on the type of gemstone you need but they all have one task in common, collecting the shards."


"Yup, each gemstone has five hundred shards that are scattered across Leyland, once you pick one up, all those other options to get a gemstone are invalid and you have to collect the rest of the shards."

"Hmm. What's the fastest way?"

"That would be defeating all the holders of each gemstone. Only the mightiest and bravest warrior can surpass their strength. If you don't have the strength, then death is certain."

"Hold up, the guardians of the gemstones will actually try to kill you!?"

"Of course, why do you think Peoria grants wishes to anyone, no matter how they intend to use that wish?"

"Wait what? What if someone uses their wish for evil?"

"Oh there have been a few but there are fairies that combat the evil."

"But what if there's no to fight the evil?"

"Well, say hello to endless suffering and enslavement." It was amazing how she could still hold a smile after that sentence.

"Peoria definitely makes some odd choices."

"I wouldn't mention her name, she sees and hears all. Anyway, where were you from again?"

"A planet named Lenovo."

"Ah right....that explains your appearance. So where are you going next?"

"No idea. Just trying not to go too far."

"I see. Well the plaza should keep you busy before you go somewhere else, after all, Gachi Gardens and Seashell Riverside are just a few miles from here."

"I would love to go there but I shouldn't go alone. I'd get lost."

"I'll go with you!" She gleefully stated, darting up from her seat.

"W- what? Don't you still have to work?"

"Today is a slow day for us, usually this place would be filled with hairy men flirting with the waitresses. Also, my manager won't mind if one of us is out."

"Ok...if you say so."

"Yay! This is going to be so fun! Hurry up and eat so we can go!"

"I- I just finished..."

"Great, this is your bill!"

Susana tore out a page in which she wrote how much he owned, Tysashi paid it, even with Susana staring and smiling deep into his eyes.

"Ok, let's go have an adventure!" She grabbed his arm, taking him out the door before he could even speak. The other waitresses just watched and prayed for him, Susana has a thing for adventure. She had a bright personality like a child and she gets easily agitated like one. Her energy is unbelievable as it was only reason she was given the job in the first place.

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