It Was Fate That Brought Us Together

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Author's Note: All characters are owned and created by me, others will be able to use any character or location used in this series, but must give credit to the author.

Leyland Adventures Chapter One: Part One

⊱⋅ ────── ⋆★⋆────── ⋅⊰

The day begins with a nice Saturday morning in the peculiar world of Lenovo. The calming winds scattered over the grassy hills and mighty trees. With a transparent sky, peace was served to the uncommon land, no deadly monsters, and no violence. Finally arriving home after a well-needed vacation after graduating college earlier than anyone expected, Tysashi along with his younger brother, Lennon, took this rare time to relax. But like happiness, this didn't last forever.


" I really don't wanna wake up today," Lennon said as he tossed and lazily turned in his bed, desperately trying to ignore the alarm. The blaring alarm didn't care for his statement, the rings only grew.

"Come on, I was fighting monsters all day yesterday when I got back from vacation, just give me a break!"

He covered his ears, seeing as this had little to no effect, he buried himself in his pillow. The harsh sounds of the alarm seemed to grow louder with each second passing by. At some point, Lennon finally submitted to the alarm.

"Ok ok, I'm up!" He shouted, springing out of his bed and fixed it up. As he fooled around with his shining blonde hair, he checked his phone only to find an urgent message from Professor Platinum.

"Lennon, would you mind asking your brother if he's willing to try out my new teleportation machine? I promise that improvements have been implemented from the last time. If he gets the chance, meet me at Bromine Backwoods and bring a jacket, it'll be really chilly there."

"Aw man, not again with this teleportation stuff, last time I got sent to Venus. Plus those metallic trees in Bromine Backwoods always emit some kind of smell... it's not bad... but it isn't good either. Not to mention the ground is rough as hell for whatever reason. I don't have a good feeling about any of this, I'll ask Tysashi for his opinion."

With a light grip, he shook his sibling back and forth steadily, with each shake his eyes were penetrated with more light and the healthy light skin of his brother was more visible.

He rubbed his eyes to focus on his brother before receiving the message.

"Another experiment, he must be extremely thrilled to construct new machines with all the scrap metal and other strange parts he found on the island. Alright, I'll be ready in a bit."

"Yeah...but I think we should hold off for now. It could be dangerous, man."

"You remind me of mom...well...when we had a mother. You're not the one to hold back from danger, what's wrong?"

"Well, after dad died, you're all I have for a family now and if I ever lost wouldn't be worth living anymore. It sucks, our lives changed so much to the point we had to take care of ourselves. I don't remember shit from ninth grade and everything else just sucked. Not to mention you almost died on the island multiple times so that got me worried."

Tysashi took time to reflect on what he said, the dark history of their upsetting childhood still consumed him. They could only depend on each other and if anything horrific happens to either of them, Lenovo would fall to its trembling knees and darkness would plague the world.

"Everything will be fine, bro. I know we're the last members of the family, but we'll survive together."

"We can extend our family by making children in the hopes they'll take charge when we die or rebuild the family. You already have Nya to handle that part."

"We haven't gotten that far yet," he chuckled while moving his hand on the back of his neck.

"Dude, we're close to becoming actual adults, our teenage years are close to an end and you're still a virgin. She's obsessed about you and gives you anything you want, anything.

"I'm not ready for that kind of love yet and maybe she doesn't care for sex like me."

Lennon sighed. "All right man, I'll make breakfast after taking a shower in the other bathroom."

He left Tysashi by his lonesome, now only his thoughts filled his room.

"He's right, we're the only members of this family left. Once we're dead, that's it. Game over, everything we ever loved will be gone."

Tysashi thought to himself as to why he couldn't remember the reason for their father's fate. His mother's fate was sealed by her age, however, his father was a different story. He knew that he was told some very crucial and critically lacked something, but what? He swore that he'd one day figure it out but for now, a shower is needed.

⊱⋅ ────── ⋆★⋆────── ⋅⊰

Cleaned and clothed, the two sat down to peacefully enjoy a feast of breakfast items.

"Maybe you should consider the baby thing. You already have that voluptuous genie and those girls from the island that like you, that's four girls, not to mention you have this world's princess at your fingers. You have a harem collection! And if that doesn't cut it, any girl you meet falls for you in an instant."

"It's her decision."

"Yeah but you can always ask."

"I suppose I can ask her but it seems inappropriate, I'd rather let her make the choice."

The two decided to cut the conservation short as the professor was held up long enough. The two bolted out the door, heading towards the desired location.

Once the two made it to a vacant section of the woods, the first thing they saw was a large, tin can-shaped machine with electricity flowing throughout the outside placed right in the center of a dead end. The trees stood silent as the air blew against the swaying leaves. The metallic bark of the trees emitted an odor which supplied the plants with energy. Sensing danger, Lennon, the younger sibling, relayed that his negative thoughts of the machine were rather filled with unease. Though Tysashi had a clone of the same feeling, his overwhelming curiosity peaked.

"Hello boys, glad to see you made it here in one piece."

Professor Platinum was just your ordinary scientist in a white lab coat and rhino-grey pants with notable light skin, green eyes, and a head of shining silver hair.

The professor politely requested Tysashi to enter the machine and as his body reached the door, a sudden shout halted his progress.

"Don't worry, Lennon. The machine uses the same parts from the laboratory on Takataka Island that have been proven to constantly remain safe, I've just added some parts unique to Lenovo."

With a fresh breath of relief, he allowed the experiment to continue.

Tysashi could feel that Lennon was growing out of his reckless behavior and often adopting a more careful approach to certain events. Lennon had changed now, much more different from his high school self.

"Ok then, Tysashi, if you would, please step into the machine."

Gladly following the request, Tysashi stepped into the machine and closed the black opaque door.

"All right, if all goes well, you should be teleported to the top of a neighboring tree."

Tysashi could just faintly hear him, but he didn't know if that ability was granted to the professor, so he rose his thumb.

Frankly bored, Lennon took his eyes to the sky and noticed sizable, grey clouds in the said sky.

"Umm...yo, Professor Platinum, it looks like it's going to start raining."

"Not to worry, the machine was built to resist the rain."

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning zoomed through the clouds, he warned the professor of the weather once more.

"I assure you everything is fine, now please let me work, Lennon."

Prof. P couldn't even look him in the eye. The thunderstorm grew more intense every second, sometimes even hitting the ground. Bolts of lightning raged through the sky as heavy droplets of endless rain came crashing down.

"Professor, are you not seeing this?!"

He, at last, took his attention away from the control pad for the machine to notice the dangerous weather, commanding that Lennon stays back.

"Why?" Lennon hurriedly asked, with an infinite amount of worry.

He ignored his question without a shred of regret, rushing frantically towards the machine to open the door though just as his fingertips grazed the steel handle, lightning attacked the machine. Electricity crawled around the machine, violent bursts of light lit the area as the object was activated, sending Tysashi to a random location. The device powered down, fizzling with small sparks of electricity.

Lennon stood silent for a moment, refusing to accept this brutal reality.

"What...happened to my brother?"

"He...was sent to a random location. The lightning that flows through the machine is different from the normal lightning in thunderstorms."

"No no no...this can't be happening...there's no way he's just gone!"

"Lennon, I can't express how much sorrow I feel."

"What the hell am I going to do with an apology, my brother is gone, Nya is going to kill me, and most importantly, NYA!"

"Yes, Nya is a little obsessed with Tysashi, though she wouldn't hurt you over him."

Lennon couldn't even look him in the eye, refusing to give a response. He looked into the now clear sky. The sun shining on the wet trees made everything look beautiful, heavily ironic for more than obvious reasons.

"I don't care how much it takes. I'll find him, even if I have to travel throughout the entire universe! Professor, start up the machine!"

"Lennon, do you know how many undiscovered planets there are? Even if we got on the right planet, we wouldn't even know where he is and a planet is enormously large."

"Damn it!" Lennon roared. Hot tears melted his skin as they ran down his face, clenching his fists.

⊱⋅ ────── ⋆★⋆────── ⋅⊰

Tysashi was teleported above the skies, his weight immediately being affected by gravity. Panic and fear filled his mind, though... it would all be over soon. He sealed his eyes shut as he braced for impact. The young teen had a rude meeting with the ground, creating a deep crater, spreading smoke and dust all over the area. He was unconscious, the only things he saw before this was the magnificent starlit sky and unusually bright grass. The distracting crash drew the attention of several other people, but they all neglected it, except for one in particular who rushed to his aid.

She looked at the battered body, dirt and even blood ruined his black t-shirt with a fireball design and his jeans.

"This mysterious person doesn't possess wings...he's more than likely not a resident here. His body is overflowing with warmth; he's still alive."

Closing her eyes and calmly holding her hands together, pink light circled around him. The critical injuries disappeared and all the pain was nonexistent.

Tysashi slowly opened his eyes, only to see a light-skinned, tall female fairy whose extensive shiny pink straight hair moved with the breeze. The white, elegant dress with red waves on the near bottom covered a majority of her smooth legs. Short strands of hair came over her shoulders, placing themselves on each shoulder, just a little below her flawless, rounded bosom. Her broad butterfly-like wings were luminous and sparkled with unique charm and beauty, just as her azure eyes did. Red, dazzling heels with a matching red rose at the tip served as her footwear.

"I don't feel pain anymore... I thought I this woman?"

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