Scaling The Seafood Mountain

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"Now about your questions. One, nope. He stopped after his partner had died, I assume he planned for the commotion to settle down. Two, he wants Solorin's power to remove his weakness to light. The people of Solorin Church use her power to defend themselves and the church itself. As for three..."

She drew her thick greatsword and presented it. The outer edge of the sword was painted in red, complimenting the smooth silver blade. Looking further down the blade, a skull with its mouth open laid on the guard. Pieced together with rope, a bottle of glowing red blood hung off the ringed pommel like a necklace.

"Allow me to introduce Scarliza. This beauty can absorb blood and use it for tons of different abilities. I pour blood into the skull, and it'll adapt the properties of whatever it drinks. And since we're on the topic-"

She dropped two chrome handguns on the table. The lengthy barrel of the weapons made them recognizable to many. One could easily see their reflection on the polished surface.

"These bad boys are also compatible with the blood I carry. I fill small orbs with blood and shoot them inside my target. The contents of the orb will spill out once they're in the body. The guns are pretty durable, so I use em to shield myself."

He couldn't take his eyes off the her assortment of gear, especially Scarliza. He took one final look before her weapons were out of sight.

"Isn't she just a badass?" Although she knew the answer, Fayemi still wanted him to acknowledge it.

"Aw, you don't gotta gas me up like that. I won't be a certified badass until Marqium is dead, then you can gas me up all you want."

"But it's true. Next to Aradressa, you're the coolest chick I know."

"Thank you, but you can praise me later. Preferably after Marqium is dead. Now then, for your fourth question. I'm a Primal-Type, and our abilities are derived from animals. For example, my sharp teeth can break through bone. Hope I answered all your questions well."

"You did, thank you. You sound...dangerous."

She ran her finger around the rim of the glass with a small smile. "Dangerous? Nah. Lethal? Definitely."

"R- right. Sorry." He apologized, knowing better than to undervalue her strength.

"No need to say sorry, we're supposed to have a good time here."

"You'll have to excuse him; he's one of those shy boys."

Fayemi's comment forced an awkward chuckle out of him. Now he had no way to speak up for himself.

"Ah, I see. That's surprising considering how popular you are. But hey, I guess every man isn't built for that kind of lifestyle. Don't you worry though, you can be yourself around us."

Zayna's words allowed him to release the air building up inside his lungs comfortably. As he ate a tentacle, their mountain of food arrived.

A large 4 tiered silver platter filled with seafood was left on the table. Although each layer was smaller than the last, there was enough food to go around. Starting from the bottom, the first layer contained a pool of naked shrimp. The most plentiful item on the platter.

On the layer above it, thick fried jellyfish tentacles were piled on each other. The golden, flaky texture gave the dish its popularity. And its length allowed for satisfaction for each tentacle consumed.

The next dish piqued Tysashi's interest. Pure white mushrooms grown from the half-shell of a Mushoy, an aquatic creature that offers mushrooms growing from its mouth to other organisms.

The final layer holds a collection of small, fried starfish. Their texture matched the tentacles, though not the scent. Its sweet smell could draw anyone in. This delicious delicacy paired well with sauce.

Like a castle's moat, colorful sauces surrounded the shining structure. Fayemi's eyes sparkled as she wiped the drool falling from her mouth. She immediately started with the shrimp, sucked into a food-filled paradise.

The other two began eating, and soon, they were climbing the Seafood Mountain in unison. After ten minutes, both the first and second layer were empty. Tysashi and Zayna laid back in the chair while Fayemi continued to eat; it was up to her to finish it all.

"You guys done already? We just started!"

"If I take another bite, I'm going to puke, and you don't want to see that." Zayna casually commented.

"I think I've ate enough. You deserve the rest of it." Tysashi drank more of his drink, waiting for Fayemi to finish.

She gladly indulged in the rest of the food. Like a child opening presents, her glee shot through the roof. Unsurprisingly, she cleared out the entire tower of food. And of course, she still had room for more.

"Hey waiter, get over here!" She called, waving her hand frantically.

Their waiter came, and his mouth was left agape before quickly closing it. He asked if they wanted dessert, and he already knew her answer. He took the platter away and would soon deliver their sweet surprise.

"Mmm, that was crazy good, and the dessert is gonna top it all off."

"Does she always eat this much?"

"Only when she's hungry, and that means she needs to eat more than the average woman. Or man for that matter."

"That and I want to be remembered for my efforts. Our names will be all over this place!" Determination sparked inside of her. Her stomach grew restless for dessert.

⊱⋅ ────── ⋆★⋆────── ⋅⊰

After some time, the final dish arrived. A round cake large enough to share was served on a white plate. Two shades of blue were stacked onto each other to represent the various themes of the sea. At the bottom, a dark blue was used to paint the dangerous depths of the water. A lighter shade as blue as the sky painted the safe zone of the sea. The last layer was white like the waves crashing onto the coast. A pile of golden crumbs stood about the sea, but not alone. A tall, edible palm tree was placed in the sand.

Tysashi and Zayna admired the design as well as the pleasant smell that filled their noses. Fayemi admired the fantastic taste she expected.

"Come on guys, this is the last stretch. Don't give in now."

Her encouraging words spoke to Zayna, volunteering to help. Tysashi also lent a hand, mainly because he didn't want them to eat too much sugar.

Fayemi split the cake as evenly as she could, though she still got the biggest slice. Together, they invaded the island and claimed it inside their stomachs. Once Fayemi swallowed the final piece of cake, she signaled for the waiter.

At this point, he expected another clean plate to pick up. He congratulated the three, not only was their meal free, but a photo of them would be displayed.

As he got the camera ready, Fayemi pulled her friends close to her. Each of them put on a darling smile which spread to their waiter as well.

"Whoo, we conquered Seafood Mountain! I'm gonna gloat my ass off about this!"

Fayemi's shouts drew many eyes to her. Her hands shot up in the air, and Zayna gently returned them to the sides of her hip.

"Loving your cheerful outburst, but let's not do it in here. Anyway, thanks for the free meal. I gotta head to the church to talk with my little buddy."

"Alright. You planning on coming to Kiyoshi Woods for the Ambersap Tree?"

"Can't. The line will be too long, but if you can, snag me a bottle. And make sure Tysashi experiences it with you, his first time should be great."

"Oh, it will be. And before you kill Marqium, put a bullet in his skull for me."

"Will do, see you guys later."

Once she left, it was up to Fayemi to lead. She decided to take him back to the castle, assuming Aradressa was there.

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