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By CinderblockGarden20


Hi friends! Ima get the ball rolling and just come out with it! I'm not into labels-despite what my dad thinks but I'm a genderfluid pansexual! Whoop!

My parents-they are great people really but their views on LGBT is ridiculous especially "made up b.s" e.g- transgender, genderfluid, asexual, bisexual, pansecual-any form of gender identity and sexuality that isn't homosexual in their eyes is "made up b.s"

You can imagine how that makes me feel? Apparently I haven't "lived enough to say that I'm in the LGBT or that I haven't experienced it enough to know!" I've been through cancer, self harm, I've been in dark places and I have anxiety and depression.

They aren't religious, they believe in age restriction when it comes to LGBT but not when it comes to games and movies. They believe that the miniority-us- are controlling the majority and even went to say that's how dictation starts. According to my dad our generation live in a bubble we simply don't understand anything in the "big bad world" so what do we know?

My dad knows plenty of gay men that belive the exact same as him. Apparently.

The milestone I'm proud of tho is the fact that I have came out the people that love and support me. My best friend is my no.1 supporter, my sister knows and she's always on my side, always fighting to protect the LGBT community and I couldn't be prouder! It's pride next weekend and I'm going with a shirt that announces my gender identity. That screams f*ck you dad! That's allowing me to be myself and I personally cannot wait.

We can be proud of ourselves regardless of our parental views!

I am one very proud mentally fucked up genderfluid pansexual fucking unicorn and I'm perfectly okay with that. I'm happy enough with my identity and I'm happy enough with my sexuality. I say fuck labels, fuck judgement and fuck my parents, grandparents, "uncle&aunt", actual uncles and aunts-except the one I'm out to

Fuck society.

Keep doing you!

You deserve to be proud af!

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