Discovering Chip

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By Chip


Hello, my name is Elder Chip. I'm an asexual, demigirl, and pan/demiromantic person.

Here's some stories about how I learned I was these things and came out.


I'm sitting on my couch, watching Ash Hardell. I click on her video about asexuality. Hearing her talk about it, I think "Holy Crap, That's me!" I was pumped to find something that defined me as person, and came out to my best friends.

Not so good.

Until, one day, my best friend texts me "Chip, I'm asexual." She and I get along great oncr again, and have a strong bond because of it .

Pan/Demiromantic: I'm sitting in class, bonding with one of my friends, lets call him N. N is talking about his crush on J. I look at N, someone Im just now realizing, after 5 years of bonding, I love. That crush fizzles, and I realize, I have a crush on a girl I know. I went home, and I cried.


When I realized I was a demigirl, my first thought was tell my friends. I did so. Finding out I was a demigirl was me looking in a mirror touching my boobs and realizing they don't go there. But, I realized some parts of me feel like a girl, some don't. I knew a few agender people, and I figured that part out, then I googled demigirl.

Coming out to my friends was me saying "I'm a demigirl. They/Them pronouns are a little bit liked more, but in front of adults, use She/Her. They were cool with it.

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