Double Come Out

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By Rainbow Girl

This was earlier this summer, I was just beginning to come out to my friends and family. I had arrived at a summer camp where I would be all of July and I decided to come out to one of my friends at that camp. It was the first day and it went something like this:

Me: Hey it's awesome that you have a pride flag up!

At this point in time I knew it was safe to come out to her. We sat on her bed making small chat for a few minutes until I decided it was time.

Me: Can I tell you something?

Friend: Yeah sure, what is it?

I took a deep breath and told her.

Me: I'm gay.

Friend: Okay cool! I'm asexual.

And with that we went along as if nothing had happened. It was probably one of my best coming out experiences. With that friend we discovered more LGBTQ+ friends and created a warm welcoming friend group where anyone of any gender or sexuality was welcomed with open arms. Through our own coming out journey we shared stories and hardships that will forever be in my heart as one of the best memories and summers of my life.

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