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By Brie


Okay. I have no idea how to start this.

My name, my not-exactly-real name of course, is Brie. I suck at math, love animals and I hate fire. Dudes, who the hell likes fire?

Anyway. My parents are both 'old', so to speak, because they're much older than most of my friends' parents. They're extremely traditional, and are probably quite so very homophobic.

Mostly my dad. I guess.

I tell them everyday that I'm friggin ruler straight by talking to them about my female and male friends, my perfectly straight friends, how I'm trying to find a boyfriend (bleuuughh) and stuff.

But the thing is, I'm already with someone. A girl.

The trashy thing is that she doesn't even exist in my stories I share with teh biggie momma and teh kingie papa. Occasionally I sort of drop hints, to sort of not give them a huge heart attack when I come out..? ...but...

Ayy. I'd much rather talk about my friends.

We're all weirdos. We like to do things that disturb other people on purpose. We hate prefects.(Prefects are senior pupils authorized to enforce discipline and most of them have a sh*tty attitude.)

One fine day in August I came out to my friends. I told them, "hey I'm pretty friggin gay" (not exactly but y'know) and they just stared at me like WTF?

"Ooh, it's just a phase!"

"This is like when you liked punk music." (Still do honeh.)

"Seriously? Do you even know what it's like being lesbian?" Yass.

"Is this just to make yourself more irksome..?"

That last one made me angry. So it wasn't phrased like that, but it's obvious he thought I was doing this to disturb others on purpose like what we always do. So I shrugged.


I'll be staying in the closet with my mask on I guess.

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