I'm Me. No Label Can Change That

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By stace_xoxx


Hiya! My name's Stacie, I'm from a fairly big city in England. I'm currently in secondary school, am OBSESSED with Little Mix #JerrieIsLife ) and have 4 best friends, let's call them Jade, Zoë, Millie and Bridget.

So I met Jade, Millie and Bridget at the start of year 7 (which I think is 6th grade in America). Zoë has been my best friend since year 2 and nothing could tear us apart. When we went into our final year of primary school, year 6, I didn't feel 'normal'. I started developing attractions towards girls. The only thing I knew about different sexualities was that if a man fancied another man, he was gay and if a woman fancied another woman, she was a lesbian. I had no clue what pansexual, bisexual, asexual, anything like that was. Due to my lack of knowledge, I automatically assumed I was a lesbian. For a very long period of time I convinced myself I was in love with Zoë because she was a pretty girl, but I knew that I wasn't. I started doing some research about different sexualities and as of today, I'm still not sure of every sexuality there is but I know of a few more than I did. I finally knew what I was. I was bisexual.

When I joined secondary school, I kinda just stayed with my friends from primary school but then started to socialise and that's when I became friends with Jade, Millie and Bridget. That day I found my 3 other best friends. I instantly clicked with Jade and from then on, I knew I could trust her with anything. That was in September.

We were celebrating Millie's birthday at her house over the weekend. We were there from the 9th of July to the 10th of July - her birthday is the 10th. Bridget couldn't stop over so it was just me, Jade, Zoë and Millie. We were all either sat on the sofa in Millie's marquee or on the rug. I was on the sofa next to Jade. Out of nowhere Jade said, "Guys, if I told you a secret, would you keep it?" We all said yes and, bearing in mind this was the night I was gonna come out to them, or at least tell one of them, she said, "Even if it could change our friendship?" We all said that nothing could ever change us. And the only thing she said was, "I think I'm bisexual."

I was so surprised. I was going to tell her that I was bi but turns out, she is too. We all told her that that wouldn't change anything because we would accept her for who she is. I then said that I thought I was bi too, even though I knew I definitely was. I was worried that the others thought I was just copying Jade but I pushed that to the back of my mind and accepted the fact that I kinda just came out to my friends. That was a big deal for me because I was only young. I literally mean like, early, early teen.

About a month later, Jade texted me saying that she wanted to talk. I just replied saying, "what's up?", not thinking much of it. Then, she replied back saying, "I'm definitely bisexual. I figured out a couple days ago and told my mum. I couldn't do it without crying. She told me that she would accept me for whoever I loved, I was still her daughter." Wow, was all I could think. She had the courage to tell her mum straight away, while I had known for over a year and a half and couldn't even imagine telling either of my parents.

I ended up telling my sister and she accepted me for me, and even told me she thinks she might be bi-curious herself. I plan on telling my mum on my next birthday. I'm not sure why I think I should tell her then but I do so I'll try to.

Overall, I've learnt to never let a label define you, you are still your own person, just with a few extra details.

I hope you enjoyed listening to my story. Thanks.

~Stacie xx

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