I Opened My Eyes

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By Kayty


Hey! My name is Kayty. I am fourteen and I have heard the phrase, "You are too young to know what love really is" enough times to know that a broken record skips less. How does anyone know what love is? Love is an abstract feeling and when we try to put it into words we can't think of any words strong enough to describe the feeling of love. When I told my parents that I was dating a girl, they assumed I was bisexual and so did I. I had dated boys before and so bisexual seemed to work. It wasn't until I started to really think about whether I liked girls more or guys, that I realized that I had no real feelings for guys. As a child, I grew up thinking that if you thought someone was good looking then you liked them. I now don't think that's true.

The summer before ninth grade I decided to think about my preferences. I came up with tons of things I liked about girls but I came to dead ends when I thought of guys. It took me an hour of thinking before I came up with the reason. I like only girls. My next problem was how to tell my friends. Most of my friends are bisexual and the rest of them are straighter than flagpoles. I felt like I didn't fit into the group that had always been where I belonged. I knew that if I didn't tell them then I would feel even more out of place so, I told my girlfriend first. When I told her she told me that she felt the same way. This made breathing easier, just knowing that I wasn't alone made everything better. The rest of our friends know now and our group is more connected than before.

Tell the people that mean the most to you how you feel. The worst thing they could do is leave and if they do leave then they weren't really there for you in the first place. You can always find new friends, but there is only one you. You can't force yourself to be someone you are not just so you can keep your friends because you know they won't approve.

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