Kicked out of the Closet

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By SilentlyStricken


Well, I've always had a deeply religious family. I was raised Southern Baptist and I am the oldest of five kids. I always knew something was off whenever I would look at other boys as I grew older. I always found them as attractive as I found girls. Even though I always was told that being gay was wrong. Well, up until about seventh grade I believed the same thing. I believed homosexuality, bisexuality, any sexuality besides being straight was a sin. That was until I found out my mom was bisexual. And more importantly, found out I was bisexual. I found out in seventh grade after my best friend kissed me on a dare when I was at a sleepover. It didn't mean anything to him but to me it meant so much. I didn't actually know what it meant until little while later and I couldn't tell anyone about it because I didn't know anyone who wasn't homophobic besides my mother and I knew she would tell my father because she would be worried for my safety. Well, eventually I made friends with two girls who went to my school who were both bisexual so eventually I came out to them and told them that I was both attracted to guys and girls and they said I was probably bisexual or sexually confused. I knew I wasn't confused because I'd had these buried feelings my entire life so I ended looking into it and found out that I loved gay porn just as much as straight porn or lesbian porn so I concluded that I was bisexual. Eventually I told them and everything was good. Well, I finally came out to my mom in eighth grade and she promised to keep my sexuality a secret from the rest of my family because she knows how homophobic they are. So I had her to talk to about my homosexual tendencies. Finally I had gotten a boyfriend

After two years of waiting I was finally in ninth grade and I found someone who was into guys like me. His name was Connor and he is a year older than me. We dated without our parents knowing. The only one of our parents that knew was my mother and she supported it. We went on a date to see she movie together and it just so happened that my stepmother was at the same theater we went to and she saw him and I kissing. She didn't say anything. She just took some pictures as evidence of my sodomy and showed them to my father. My father is a loving man who used to be very violent. He used to beat my mother and I when they were still married but once they divorced he quit being abusive. But once my stepmother showed those pictures of me kissing the one guy I've ever been with that meant something he lost it. He beat me senseless and kicked me out of our house. Literally. I wasn't able to get anything. I was just sent walking to my mother's apartment on the other side of town. My mother welcomed me with open arms and was going to press charges but I told her not to because I didn't want my father facing that. I love my father so much. Well, after a few months my father reached out to me and told me that in was going to Hell if I continued being the way I am but I can change if I accept Jesus's love. I believe that Jesus loves me even if I am half-gay but I told him that I would try. Finally during Christmas of tenth grade year my stepmother outed me to my entire family. She showed those pictures to my grandparents, my siblings, my friends, and all of my family causing them to kick me out. Even my father decided I was a lost cause. So I was sent to live with my mother. I live with her now. Don't get me wrong, I love my father and the rest if my family. The only one whom I have no love for is stepmother who outed me. The end.

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