My Genderfluid Story

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By Danni_PhanTrash


Hi. My name is Danni, and im not just your average person. I am genderfluid and this is my story.

So it all started when i joined the LGBTQ+ community at the age of 11 when i figured out i was bisexual.

Since then, i have been on the internet researching all about sexualities.

But then, on day, a great friend of mine came out as transgender. And at the time,i had no idea what that meant, so i researched it, and found out about gender identities.

And, in the last year, i havent been feeling the same. After finding people like me and making friends, i noticed that i wasnt who i thought i was.

So,i started to research. I found an amazing dictionary of LGBT+ vocab. And i also found some articals and things. The main one that stood out was about a genderfluid teen.

So,i read it and watched the clip and i was like "This kinda sounds like who i am."

So i researched genderfluidity and watch a buch of youtube videos and researched everything to do with gender basically.

Since then, i have identified as genderfluid.

About a month later, i decided it was time to tell my two closest friends. They both accepted me when i came out as bi and genderfluid. I was happy and felt loved.

I then announced on my social medias, starting with snapchat and IG. I had two main supporters from my school. They were so kind and supportive.

Then i told my internet friends and they to supported me.

A few weeks later i said to my mum i wanted my hair cut. And she didnt agree with getting a pixie cut so i just had a few inches off of the bottom, and a few more a month later, and a few more a couple of weeks later. So in the last 3 months, i have had about 7 inches cut off. Im still hoping to het it cut shorter.

And in these few months alot has happened. I made closer connections with people and friends and pushed away those that didnt care. I have also recieved hate, but little.

Then, last week,i decided to start asking my teachers to use they/them pronouns and explaining about my genderfluidity. So far only 1 teacher knows and im planning to tell more.

But then, my coming out to my mum happened. I decieded, a day ago or two, to send her a message basically stating that im genderfluid and pansexual (i recently discovered that im pan too). She literally daid what i was so upset. She has aleays been one to know what things mean but she couldnt see that i had clearly just came out to her. I then decided to write her a letter daying that im pan and genderfluid. Again, she read it but hasnt asked me about it at all.

At this moment in time, i think she is in denial. After knowing me as her "little girl" for so long, its probably a big shock. I am trying to get her to understand,and the next step is face to face.

The point of this is to say that it can take a long time to find who you are. That when you do find out, some may support and some may hate,but dont let it get to you. What i want to say it, dont rush yourself at all,learn from my mistakes.

I was very eager to come out months ago to my mum, but i didnt, i very nearly did.

I am Danni, a pansexual genderfluid person and this is my story, thank you for reading.

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