My Lgbt Adventures

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By KarmaMel512


Hi, I'm Morgan.

I live in a small city in Florida and I'm quite comfortable with where I am and my family. One thing about me my friends and family know is that I'm gay.

I started questioning my sexuality when I was ten (even though I've had crushes on girls as long as I remember). My family is very open minded but the one fatal flaw is that they didn't teach me what sexuality and gender was. It was more "this man is allowed to like this man.". I'm not saying that's a bad way to raise a kid, labels can be stressful. But what I am saying is that in my questioning times, it meant I took on many different labels.

First, I was straight. Then that was followed by gay, bisexual, pansexual, demisexual, asexual, Graysexual, and finally Gay.

My friends put bets on my sexuality and even though I laughed at it, it sorta hurt my feelings.

I came out of the closet to my mom when I was still questioning. Well, I guess you could say I was shoved. I had told my brother about my first girlfriend and he had pressured me to tell my mother. I would have, but I simply wasn't ready. He kept nagging me to tell her when he finally outed me.

Brother: Hey mom!

Me: oh don't do it.

Brother: Morgan's dating Brittany*

Mom: Really I thought you were dating Santana*!

Me: Oh he did it.

((I changed the names for privacy purposes))

It really wasn't any big deal in my family, but just the fact that my brother decided that even though I wasn't ready he was going to out me, mad me really upset. In fact, I still haven't forgiven him two years later.

All went well at home, and half of me expected to be in the home free zone. But sadly, there are still bad people in this world who will try their hardest to break you. So, in sixth grade at the time, my homosexuality was spread across the school. I was made fun of, and beaten up occasionally. Apparently the no hitting girls rule doesn't apply to homosexual girls. I switched schools and settled there. Everyone was really nice and I regained a bit of confidence. I met my first girlfriend and we dated for almost 6 months. We broke up on good terms and still talk daily.

I have a few lessons that came from these experiences.

•It's okay to question and try new things.

•Only come out when you are ready.

•There are bad people on this world and you just have to find good people to counteract them.

•There is always someone who's willing to help. (Including me. I am here and willing to talk. Pm me. KarmaMel512 )

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