My List of Gay Experiences Leading Up to Today--

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By Anonymous - "I'd really like to share my name but then people might know stuff I don't want them to know"


*My List of Gay Experiences Leading Up to Today that Made Me Discover My Gayness (in chronological order)*

1. Being born

2. Watching Say Yes To The Dress and seeing two women shop for a dress and tux, then asking my mom why two women were getting married and her sighing then explaining

3. Making out with my then almost best friend and touching ourselves together during sleepovers in 4th grade (it was fun)

4. Feeling guilty about it so telling my mom what we did

5. Kissing my sister (look, we're not incestous, that's gross, we were just experimenting and we don't even live in Iowa or some Southern state)

6. Feeling guilty about that, too, so telling my mom what we did

7. Having my first gay teacher in 5th grade

8. Hearing about my mom's gay therapist friend (I needed a therapist 'cause I had a mental breakdown)

9. Giving a speech to the entire 6th grade about same-sex marriage

10. My bff of seventh grade who lived in Georgia coming out to me as bi-sexual and me being super excited to have a, and I quote "gay best friend, wait... lesbian best friend, I mean... bi-sexual"

11. Finding some questionable websites towards the end of seventh grade and finding the girls quite enjoyable to focus on rather than the boys

12. Me talking to my Georgia friend about how I was confused about who I liked and my friend telling me I was bi-romantic

13. Coming out to my mom

14. My bff of three and a half years now telling me she was bi and me going "SHUT UP ME TOO" and us skipping gayly down the hallway (not even joking)

15. Coming out to the rest of my family that lives in my house

16. Feeling so FUCKING GUILTY about those questionable websites so telling my FUCKING MOM AGAIN

17. Meeting a lot of other gay people, at school and camp and such

18. Realizing I didn't like to be classified as bi-sexual or bi-romantic, just queer

19. Bringing a rainbow eraser to school

20. Not necessarily "coming out" to people, just like when they called me a faggot I said "true story" and they were kind of shocked

21. Not being able to remember how many people know now, more than 35 WOW JESUS THAT'S A LOT

22. Having a really REALLY strong urge to kiss my friend ( we'll call her Savannah cuz I don't know any Savannahs)

23. Having my first girl-crush on "Savannah"

24. Submitting this

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnndddd... that's my list. I'm sure there's a lot of other pretty gay things that happened, but that's all that stood out to me. I thought I'd incorporate humor as my coping mechanism :) Yay! A little backstory, I'm 13, a girl, cis, queer, and super weird and shit. Sorry for my overuse of commas and parentheses, I enjoy them. That's all I have to say. FOR NOW. (that sounded really ominous, sorry)

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