My name is Charlie

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By Charlie


Hey there! My names Charlie. Well, not legally. Apparently "Charlotte" sounds better then Charlie. I call bullshit on that. AAAANNYYWAYYYSS I'm a non binary and lesbian teen.^_^ my story isn't that complicated . "I'm straight" *sees girl* "WAIT never mind." I came out to my parents , and everything was chill. I have a girlfriend , and she's amazing. she's adorable. But what I want to talk about is advice. And specific advice. So when I walk through public with my girlfriend, some people stare. When I kiss her, some people whisper. And I just feel so unsafe. So scared that somebody will say something, or even hurt us..... and that stress shouldn't be put on us. so if somebody looks at you and your partner in public... IGNORE THEM. Do NOT engage in the homophobic people in this world. They can suck a dick because you? You're amazing and wonderful alright? being gay isn't something to be ashamed of! Be proud!! Be loud!! And DO NOT take any shit from the homophobes. Now if somebody stops you to say something, kindly say "your homophobic views do not bother me. Have a nice day". And if somebody threatens you, run. I FUCKING hate having to say this but there are people in this world who are so close minded and hateful that you need to stay safe please. Be careful . And because I'm literally writing this right now while waiting for a bus, and that bus is about to come, I need to say goodbye everybody!! Stay proud, stay safe.

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