My Symptoms of Being Human

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By Arwen


I'm a pretty normal child. If you call obsessing over fictional characters, and listening to Hamilton on repeat normal. Although, I'm not as normal as I really thought I was.

See for the longest time I thought I was straight, but boy was I wrong. My story started when I got into 6th grade and became apart of the drama group.

In 6th grade drama a lot of the kids are gay or lesbian, and I 100% accepted them.

Now keep in mind I had met one of my best friends in drama, Angelica or Jelly as my friends and I call her.

So with all these fabulous people around me in drama, I could tell my lesbian side was starting to show.

Fast forward a year into seventh grade, when I had started to get girl crushes more often. And it started with Jelly. I get girls have girl crushes and can still be straight but, this was different.

I told my friend Hayden about my crush on Jelly and she told me, (also being lesbian), to tell her that I liked her. There was just one problem.

She had a boyfriend (same boyfriend today).

Taking Hayden's advice I told her, but she rejected me which gave me a lot of self doubt after that.

After about a month of chocolate and ice cream, I got over it.

When the next month occurred I was back to normal, you know Hamilton, YouTube, etc. when one of my friends, Katie, FaceTimed me.

Keep in mind that earlier this month she had announced that she was actually bisexual.

So we talked for a while when she had finally told me that she had a crush on me for a while now.

Long story short, we are now dating and I'm so happy.

But this ain't the end. Why would any story be simple?

During those event, I had actually started to notice I was being much more self conscious of my body than usual.

I started wearing more baggy sweaters/shirts and the usual black skinny jeans.

I'm a pretty confident person overall, so when this happened I knew something was up.

So everyday of the week I would kind of play around with what I wanted to wear.

One day I'll feel like I want to wear a suit or something more boyish, or I'll want to wear a dress.

I'll be honest I really didn't understand what was happening, cause this was me most of my life.

For example, when I was a kid, I had switched from like princess and dolls to Bateman and superheroes every couple of years. This would be the same for favorites colors and many other things.

After at least a week, my family and I had went to Barnes&Noble just to look at books.

But there was one book that stood out from the rest. It was called Symptoms of Being Human (wadup title reference).

This story is about someone named Riley who is genderfluid and writes about a blog to help trans people and even other genderfluid people.

After getting halfway through reading it I knew that I was genderfluid.

I knew because it gave a description that was like "being genderfluid is like having a compass that says Masculine and Feminine written on it and whichever way the arrow is, that is how I feel that day."

This was exactly what I felt and I'm so glad I found something to help me like this book did.

At the moment I still go by "she" pronouns, but soon I would like to have my friends change that.

If you're wondering I have told my family about me being lesbian and genderfluid, and they are all supportive.

I know that this story probably isn't as good as someone else's but hey, I just really wanted to tell a group of people who accepted me for who I am no matter what.

Thanks for reading the drama of my life as of right now.

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