No regret

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By Triniti0806


So hello I'm Triniti or as I would also like to be called Andre, I'm bisexual and gender fluid and this is about me getting utterly embarrassed by my ex-bestfriend. So here's how it all started, I had gotten into a huge argument with her,will call her Sky. So sky stopped talking to me and I didn't talk to her.(well I tried but she just yelled at me). Anyways,I was miserable so I came on here and I wrote about crush on her. I loved everything about her. But once she read it, and found out I was bisexual she decided to embarrass me in front of a bunch of kids from my P.E. class. So as I'm walking out of gym she runs up to and gives me a hug then says these exact words "Triniti I feel the same way about you,I really like you," there was a pause then a smile appears on her face, "SIKE!" She yelled out, I then saw her friend recording it. I ran off into the bathroom crying. I felt like my life was over. Once I had walked out I walked into my 8th period class were I continued to silently cry, at the end of class a few of my friends asked what was wrong,I told them everything from me figuring out I was bi to me being completely embarrassed. But when I got on my bus to go home I realized "Why should I be embarrassed? She basically did it for me." So I did forgive her,we still don't talk though. I've recently come out as gender fluid to my friends and I'm happy. I'm proud to be bisexual and gender fluid. Nobody can take that pride away from me.

~Triniti or Andre

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