Pan, fluid and me.

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By mychemicalexploit


So, I wrote 'I am me' in this book about my coming out as a pansexual. But recently my story took a different turn. Better? Worse? I'm not sure.

Things got really, really bad for a while. It seemed like a never ending spiral of hurt and pain and stress. My school far from helped. Too much homework caused me stress and breakdown after breakdown. It seemed imminent that things would keep on going wrong.

My mum and I had a talk. She highly disagrees with anyone LGBTQ+, which stopped me coming to out to her at all. She told me if I kissed a girl she'd kill me, not knowing I'd previously asked my friend out, sadly, she said no.

A lot of things she said spiralled out of control, but that's beyond the point. I was still stinging from the old friendship that fell apart due to my coming out.

But the new year at school had an up. I became closer to the 'Year 9 emo clique' as I nicknamed them, but they're sweet people. And I made friends with Sam. He's really nice. For all you confused, I go to an all girls school, and Sam's really name is Sarah, but he does not identify by her.

Sam inspired me. He made me see that I can be me. So I came out as genderfluid. And that's me. One person already pronouns me as they/them.

Don't be afraid to be you.

I'm pan, fluid, and happily me

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