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By Hannah Noelle - GenerationZzZ


Hello everyone! Hannah Noelle here with another story to share in this lovely little book.

My previous story, A Colourful World, can be found in book one, so feel free to check it out. However, since then, my views on my sexuality have shifted ever so slightly, so perhaps you should read this story first.

I will start by saying that I think (think being the key word) I can now consider myself Pansexual. Though, I lean more towards girls of that makes sense. Now I hate to be cliche, but I was legit one of those people that had no idea what Pansexuality was. I honestly thought it was to similar to Bisexuality to apply to me. But no, I have been corrected.

I have always had more of a physical preference to girls, but I have also always had the idea that love is love, without anything attached. I started feeling confused when I realised I had a crush on a boy, yet it wasn't a physical attraction. I talked to my girlfriend about it, and she explained I was defiantly Pansexual, since I felt so strongly about my 'love is love' argument.

And now, I realise she's right! I feel much more comfortable knowing that yes, I can like boys too - I just never have before.

And now for the milestone - My first kiss. Yesterday, September 3rd, I kissed my girlfriend. And, I didn't feel horrible!

Now, let me explain why I say that. Even though I have accepted myself, I always thought I would feel like a horrible person kissing a girl. I guess part of me never accepted, well, ME. But then I kissed her, and I was just happy. And I think the last little bits of doubt fluttered out the window. I can truly be me, and I can actually be happy about it.

I don't know if anyone else has had a similar feeling, but I thought this was worth sharing to all those who are doubting themselves.

- Hannah Noelle

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