Smile and Keep Your Head Held High

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By Kate/Kat


First off, hello loves! I don't like my real name so I prefer to go by Kate, but I also like to go by Kat as another nickname.

I'm a 14 year old Christian girl who just wants to fit in with society.

I met my best friend in 6th grade. I'll call her Nichole, though that is not her actual first name but another she goes by. Nichole and I had instantly become friends. I always enjoyed her company.

8th grade was when things really took a change. Before Christmas break came, I learned that I was changing schools again. I was devastated and worried and sad.

I had come to think that Nichole was someone special in my life because she knew me and I knew her better than my/her own family.

I cried myself to sleep some days.

When she would smile, it was cute. She made me feel so happy. We both love music, photography, writing, history, and we both want to travel the world.

Now, as a freshman in highschool, I just now am really understanding these feelings.

My parents are strong Christians, so I fear how they would react if I told them I think I'm bisexual. I don't even know what Nichole would think if I asked her to be my girlfriend. I mean I kinda want to, but I don't know how her parents would feel either.

Though if Nichole felt the same, I'd be so happy. I guess I'll just have to wait then roll the dice and take my chances.

My advice to you is not be afraid to be who you are. Don't try to fit other's standards just so they'll like you. You are you and that is perfectly fine. You are special because you were created in God's image. He loves you for who you are. Jesus encourages us to love one another.

I should probably stop rambling now, huh?

If you are a Christian, as long as you have Christ as your savior and know he loves you for who you are, I don't think you have anything to worry about. Smile and keep your head held high <3


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