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By Allen


Hi! I'm your normal, everyday teenage girl. Well, that's what I thought I was. My whole life I would be that girl that loved makeup, or loved to play dress up. I would do every girly thing you could imagine. Over the years I started to, well, change. Mentally, physically, and emotionally. I developed these feelings and thoughts that I thought where just a "phase". I started to have feelings for the other gender.

Now, being a younger girl that just started middle school I had no idea what to think or do. I wanted to tell my friends or go to guidance...but I was scared. I learned from a young age to hate the people that where part of the LGBT+ community. My mom would always tell me to stay away from those people. I was terrified to go to my parents and tell them what I have been feeling and thinking. So, I kept it to myself.

A year went by and I finally told my closes friend. I was scared she wouldn't like me anymore. I thought she would think I'm crazy, but she didn't. She was so supportive of me. That day when I told her felt like so much weight on my shoulders being lifted off. I loved her so much, she helped me get through the tough times. I soon figured out she was BI and I was so happy. I supported her. Both of our families hate the LGBT+ community, so we where scared of telling them.

I started to tell more of my friends and they all supported me. I felt that I was loved by them. I am now in 8th grade and I have a girlfriend. I am proud to say that I am Pansexual and Genderfluid. My milestone was the day I told my friend. That is a day I will never forget. Just remember, you are never alone.

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