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By Kaiden


You could say I've always been an over-supportive ally. Which made me realize I wasn't just an ally, I was part of it.

I've always been different to the other kids. I dressed differently, I acted differently, I wanted different things. I convinced myself I'm a tomboy, because 90% of kids who feel this way probably are.

I would make video game accounts that looked like boys and the username was very masculine, because i thought if I was behind a screen, no one would have to know I was actually a girl.

It wasn't until mid-last year Instagram showed this trans page on my explore. I hadn't really thought of it before but once it showed up you could say my entire perspective on my identity changed.

I figured out I'm ftm transgender after looking into it, but I still felt trapped. I was most comfortable coming out to my two closest friends, and I told them over a message late at night after my parents had gone to bed.

They both supported me straight away and asked questions and where there to support me whenever I texted them, whether it be 12pm or 12am. It sounds cliché to say this but if it weren't for their support, I probably wouldn't be here. Ive since gone on to tell my entire friend group and the majority of them support me 100%.

I also then felt compelled to tell my mom. Which was probably the biggest mistake of my life. She wasn't transphobic, but when I talked to her about it she kept going on and on about how she knew I wasn't and said that I was just an average tomboy. She claimed to know how I was feeling better than I did.

It hurt to hear those words come out of the person I thought would support me the most. But I've realized that although I might not have the support of my parents, I have this wide support group that care about me so, so much and they'll always be there for me. I want people to know that yeah, your parents might not support you, but there will always be people in your life who will.

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