Who Am I?

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By Anonymous


Who am I? If you were thinking of religious wise, I guess I'd suppose to be a JW. Of course, I love my religion, but how I am one when I am one to be a person with full of rainbows in their soul and thinks love is love... My parents aren't homophobes but also doesn't agree with the ways I think is okay.

You see, when I was in 3rd grade, that is when all the kids are starting to find colorful languages like "bitch", "ass", "shit", and the word that starts with an 'F'. Also, during that time they didn't know what being "straight" was. So when kids found out, they thought it was funny to make jokes about it to people who did not know yet of what it meant.

One day at lunch a boy across from me had asked me if I was "curved" or "straight"Of course, I didn't know what it had meant because of my parents trying to keep me "pure" as possible. So you know what I said? I said the word straight because straight to me is a line and a line is something you use to make beautiful pieces of art.

You know happened next? The boy had just cursed under his breath and went on to another person as if he wanted people to say curved so he can laugh in their faces. So then, I leaned against the person next to me and asked them what that meant. They had said the word curved was something that registered to "gay" and "disgusting". Now I was confused. I was confused as to why it was "disgusting" but I just left it off, because if I didn't then I'd be a "fag" as to the kids thought it was cool to say that.

Years later, in now 6 through 9th grade I now questioned myself. I started to pay more attention to the boys and to why I would get so nervous around girls. I realized that I wasn't sexually attracted to the "oh so known hot boys" that everyone likes. I was more attracted to girls.

To this day, I'm dating my best friend; my girlfriend. I'm proud,I am proud to find who I am today and that's not going to change.

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