Ace of Hearts

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By Em


So ever since I was little, whenever people asked me who my crush was I got angry because I didn't have one. So instead of telling them that and them not believing me, I always just made one up. I thought it was just because all the boys in my classes were jerks, but boy was I wrong.

Time skip to last year, at about this time of year, I didn't even know what LGBT meant and so I was sure I was straight, but then I started spending a lot more time on the internet and learned some valuable information about LGBT+. I still thought I was straight until one of my online friends asked if I would date them (as a rhetorical question) and I thought, 'Hell yeah, totally. But no sex.' I thought maybe it was just because I was so awkward and anxious that I never wanted to have sex, but that wasn't it either.

The friend that had asked me, I'll call her C, told me she was asexual and I started thinking about it. I looked it up and started getting to know everything about the different sexualities and trying to figure out which one I was. At first I thought maybe I was demisexual, but that didn't seem right either.

It took me quite a while but I eventually started to identify as asexual. (Panromantic asexual if you want to be specific)

It was odd, suddenly being something that I hadn't even known about a couple of months before, but it feels right. It's funny, thinking back to when I didn't even know what LGBT meant.

And then the best thing ever happened. My friend, C, told me she loved me. I thought it over and I realized that this thing that I felt for her was love too. We are now dating, though it's long distance, and I can't wait to get to hold her hand one day.

I am out to my friends, my brother, and my mom, though my mom doesn't 'believe' me. Everyone else took it great and I love to brag about my amazing girlfriend!

I'm ace and I love it. Who needs sex to be happy? Not me and my girlfriend!


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