Bisexual Beauty!!!

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By Caitlin


Ok. I have read these and have decided to share my story. I am 15 years old and (as the title suggests) bisexual. I have come out to my mom and three close friends but that is not the point of this story.

I had my first "woman" crush when I was 12 years old. I didn't know what the hell was going on. I denied it and denied it until I fell in love with a boy that I met through school when I was 14. We dated for a month and then broke up. I then started falling for a girl in my class. She is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I go to an all girls school which is quite homophobic so I can't really ever come out but I think she knows I like her. She is not my first crush but it feels like my favourite. Many of my friends have asked why I am always staring at her. I always deny it and they seem to buy it. I am too scared to tell anyone but I really want to. I think she knows I like her because she is forever talking to me and smiling. I guess it could mean she likes me but I highly doubt it. So the milestone I have overcome is telling these three friends and by June I want to tell my other friends.

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