Closet With A Glass Door

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By Lynn


I don't think I've ever considered myself to be straight. I mean, I liked boys, but girls were so pretty and nice and they smelled so good. One day my friend questioned me about my sexuality, and since I didn't really have a label for my sexual orientation at the time, I couldn't give her an answer right away. I did research on the different types of sexualities and I decided that bisexual was the one I was, and that's what I currently identify with(although I am still questioning.) I came out to some friends who had some doubts about my heterosexuality, in fact, one friend described me as, "In a closet with a glass door. Everyone knew you were there, you just hadn't come out yet." I ran into some people who didn't accept me, but that was okay since there were plenty more that did. People defended me and for the first time in my life, I felt accepted. I love everyone who's ever stood by me and helped me come to terms with who I am.

I haven't come out to my mom yet, not because she's a homophobe, but because I'd hate to disappoint her. The year of my realization that I wasn't straight, my mom and I were sat at home watching TV together. There was a gay couple in the show we were watching and my mom said that she hopes my little brother and I don't end up like the homosexuals. I was extremely scared of coming out then, and I still am today. I hope that I'll finally gather up the courage to come out to my mom one day, but I hope even more that she'll accept me when I do.

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