Coming out and Crushes

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By Alex


Hey people, my name is Alex and I'm 14 years old.

The first person I came out to was my older sister and it was when we were at foodmaxx(cause the best time to come out is when you're buying macaroni) I told her I was bisexual cause I wasn't really sure at the time but like 3 or 4 months later I came out to her and her boyfriend at a wedding party(yet again the best place to come outxD)as lesbian. I was finally okay with myself and who I was but I wasn't ready for everybody to know yet(and I'm still not)a month later I told a close friend when we were walking home and before I could fully say it she was like 'You're gay!? AYEEE I KNEWW IT!' I was happy she was fine with it cause she's a really good friend and I want to keep it that way. As for my entire family I think letting them know slowly will be my best approach since my grandparents aren't that educated on this subject (this is were teacher Alex comes into play). I'm crushing on this girl in my class and she drops subtle hints about knowing my sexuality and about hers, I like her a lot but I just don't know how I'm gonna go about it yet. She always so hot and cold (whatup Katy perry reference!) with me and it's so confusing! We'll both be switching schools for next year so it'll be easier to get over her but we live so close to each other it's nearly impossible.

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