Coming Out to My Best Friends

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By MyCrankyCrew


I was invited to stay the night at one of my friends' house, and so were a couple other people, including a girl I like. We all met up at the roller rink in town, and we stayed until closing, which was about 10 at night. We all left to go to the host's house, and we sat in the living room playing console games, doing sing and dance-offs, watching movies, basically anything. One of the people that were there suggested that we play truth or dare, which we did. Halfway through the game, I was dared to say something that I've never told anyone in my life. I told them straight up "Okay. I know this is hard to believe, but I'm actually bisexual." Everyone was surprised, to say the least, and the host told me to name one girl that I liked. I pointed to my crush, and everyone "awwed". We hugged each other, and she promised me that it wasn't weird. We got on with the rest of the night, and we went our separate ways in the morning. Since then, it's like we've been inseparable, we've been that close. I haven't had an girlfriend, though, because I'm afraid to announce it to my whole school that I'm bi, and I think that if everyone finds out that I'll be bullied. I need to stop being such a chicken and just tell everyone. My friends and immediate family accepted me, why won't everyone else?

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