Discovering Who I Am

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By FlamingFandom


Well, I suppose my story starts off in school. In the younger grades, I had no idea what being part of the LGBT community meant. I thought everyone liked the opposite gender, and people of the same gender couldn't get married. I first learned about it when my two friends who were both males said they were going to get married when they grow up. They explained that they were aloud to, even though I thought they weren't. I brushed the thought of same-sex relationships aside and didn't think much of it. Then I got into fanfiction and a few social media sites. I found out what LGBT was all about, and I totally accepted it. But, the problem was, I was Christian. This didn't bother me at first, but it eventually got to me. For the next few years I barely spoke about being gay, bisexual, etc. until my mom brought up and asked if I knew what being gay was. I told her it meant you loving another boy and you being a boy. I found out she was fine with same-sex relationships along with with my sister. My dad, on the other hand was not. Although he hadn't said it directly, I could tell he was not accepting of it.

I tried to put that aside, and when I got into the older grades I started questioning my sexuality. Although I liked a boy, I didn't feel right. I starting crushing on others, some being the same gender, and met a trans boy. I loved him so much, but sadly he was dating another boy. I moved on I started to notice some of my smaller crushes were genderfluid, trans, male, and female! I decided I was bi, but then I found out what being pansexual means. It took me a while, but I decided I was pansexual. I didn't let any religious things bother me at first, but I soon let it. I didn't want to go to Hell, and I thought it would be much easier to say I was straight so I wouldn't have to deal with any backlash. Luckily, I gradually got it to me that being LGBT was ok. I haven't told anyone close, but that'll be my next milestone

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