Figuring It Out: Part 2

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By Anonymous


Hi again :) If you would like to read the first part of this story, it is in the second milestones book.If you've already read it, great. In case you haven't, here's some info:So I figured out about 5, maybe 6 months ago, that I am asexual. I was scared to tell anyone, worried about how they would react, I was so scared of telling someone, and them not believing me. I told my best friend eventually, after repeatedly putting it off because of anxiety. They accepted me no problem, a big relief to me.And so, this brings me to the next part of my milestone. There are two things that have developed since I discovered I was ace:1) Although I have accepted myself, and some of the time feel fine about being asexual, a lot of the time I get feelings of sadness. I do kind of wish that I wasn't this way. I hope, in time, I can feel less of this, and begin to feel more at ease with being asexual.2) I want to tell two more of my friends. I know this isn't a requirement, and that I'm not obligated to come out to anyone. However they are two of my closer friends, and I feel that once I've told them, I could possibly be a little more open about myself. I just don't like the feeling of hiding it, like I may go to say something when I'm talking to them, but can't because I'm scared to tell them. So, does anyone have any tips on how to bring up the conversation and to deal with the anxiety of telling them? I would love to tell them before my town's Pride, which is in August.Also, I haven't really promoted ace positivity here, and I'm sorry about that. But if you are ace, you're super great and valid. If anyone is struggling with figuring themselves out right now, it's okay to feel that way, a lot of us go thought it, and there is no rush.(P.s. I still haven't figured out my romantic attraction :') I'll get there eventually)Love is love x

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