Figuring things out.

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By Fain


Up until recently, I've always believed that I was Bisexual, and that wasn't an issue at all. I'd dated a few people, male and female, and I genuinely felt attracted to them. However, I've realized that I've started to like one of my close friends, who is genderfluid, and it confused me for awhile. Of course, that was until I did my research because I knew exactly what being Bi is, but I was a bit in the dark about a lot of other sexualities. I was confused about myself and I hated it, I've always prided myself in knowing who I was and sitting there confused as to why I was liking someone was not a great feeling. I'm the type of person who over thinks everything (My shower thoughts are legitimately how the universe was created) eventually I did find a label, which is by no means important but makes things easier to explain. After that, I figured I was Pansexual, surprisingly enough it felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders, because I hate being confused, especially about myself. Now I can once again, with confidence, state what my sexuality is if it comes up. Finding myself to the full extent of my sexual orientation was certainly something, now I just have to confess to them... That's for another day though.

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