Finding That One Girl

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By CheckersChuld


Hi, I'm Candace. I always thought I was different. I always knew the way I felt about someone wasn't for looks, because in my eyes everyone is equal, yet differently outstanding in their own way. I only like someone if I get to know them, not per looks. So, I guess I am going to be identified as Pansexual. But, honestly, labels don't matter. You were born to live, you are living the way you want. If God didn't want us this way, then why are we here?

So this is about I found my perfect girl. Yes, I'm Pansexual. You see, I've been thrown to the curve many times, cheated and ruined after years of love, but this one girl is different. Her name..let's just say her name is Angel. Well, because she's my angel. I've never ever felt this certain feeling I get when I talk to her. I get nervous, scared, and excited all at once. Fireworks explode in my stomach, leaving me with an unforgettable feeling.

Just know, that you should never hide you're feelings for someone else, no matter age, race, gender, or Sexuality. I mean, I've recently read a study that no one is 100% straight. Isn't that cool?

Make sure to keep you're head up, and never look back. Follow those couraging dreams, because one day, once you've let them go, they won't exist.

If you're apart of the LGBTQ+ community, you..ARE A KWEEN. Don't let anyone say "EWW YOU'RE GAYYYY" or "YOU'RE NASTY" because GURL YOU JUST LIKE ME. You all deep down know that someone you love, is someone you love. Looks nor gender does not matter understand? Okay, Bye I guess.

~ Candy.

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