Following The Rainbow To No End

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By SeaChaosLover


Hello! My is- well, you can see it above this. You can call me Fangs though. This short story is about how I came out to my friends and family, well half of my family. Not all of them know I'm bisexual. Anyways, the first person I came out to was an old buddy of mine. (We're no longer buddies, she hates me for personal reasons. Sad, I know.)It happened when she and I were at an old park behind her house. We were swinging on the swings when she spoke up and said, "Hey, Imma tell you something, but you gotta keep it a secret." I told her I would. She then told me she's bisexual. That made me question her on what it was. When she told me what it was exactly I started to question myself. My reason for this is because at some points when her and I are alone I would feel weird and my heart would skip a beat. Two weeks later I realized I had feelings for her, yet I also had feelings for my boyfriend. I decided to stay shut about it and push away my feelings for her. My feelings for her disappeared and I stood with my boyfriend. That's when it hit me,I'm bisexual.I look at girls and think they're hot, then I look at my boy and think he's hot. I'm bisexual, wow. This made me decided to tell people just to see who'll stay by my side and who'll leave. Surprising all my friends accepted me for who I am because they're either bisexual themselves, a lesbian, gay, pansexual, or just really supportive.

I realized I had to tell my family at one point so I did. I told my mom first and she told me she was bisexual at one point, but then went back to being straight because it wasn't working out for her. My brother didn't seemed bothered, my little cousins just don't understand what it means, and my older cousins just think it's awesome. My other side of the family still don't know I'm bi, but that doesn't mean I won't tell them. They'll know eventually.

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