Getting Myself Into A Mess

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By Ror


I met the most fantastic girl this past school year, and after a few months of knowing her, quickly developed a pretty strong crush. It took me some time to realize it was a crush- because I had no idea I could have a crush on another girl.The first person I told was my best friend. I wasn't expecting it, but she was very accepting and happy for me. I started to feel good about the whole thing, but I wasn't quite ready for my parents or anyone I don't know very closely to know.A few days later, the whole situation went downhill. I am forced to sit with my 6th period class at lunch. There are some people in that class that I DO NOT like, including one girl, we'll call her C. I was sitting next to the girl had a crush on, her best friend, and across the table, some girls I didn't know too well. This included C.The girls across the table got into a discussion about crushes and who they liked, and C was forced to tell who she 'liked.' Remember- I had nothing to do with this conversation. C looks at me, and out of the blue, says, "Who do YOU like?" I was caught off gaurd.Now, of course, I could've said nobody. But I'm not that smart, am I? So I just kind of stuttered and repeated, " I can't..."C keeps pressing me, saying that because SHE did I have to.The girl I had a crush on is one of my best friends, and she can tell something is wrong. C finally gives up and stops talking. The girl I liked handed her phone to me, on Memos, and told me to write it down and get it off my chest.Want to know what I wrote? I said, "It's a girl." She looks at me weirdly for a moment, then says, "for serious?" I say, "yes." She says, "I didn't know you were lesbian!"I sigh. "No, no, I'm bisexual." Then I have to explain what that means to her.That's not the end of the story- OH NO. The next day, my friend/crush starts pestering me about who I like. Who can blame her, she now has a bi bestie?But what do you SAY in this situation? With my socially awkward self, I panicked and said a random girl in my grade. She was surprised but rolled with it.By lunch, I have no idea what to do. My crush is a GIRL *what is this* who thinks I have a crush on ANOTHER girl. So I text my best friend, the first person I told about my bisexuality.She claims that she will tell my crush personally if I don't tell her.That's really all that happened- she never carried through with her threat. To wrap it up though:That crush faded once I met a bisexual boy three years older than me (the only other LGBTQ+ person I've met in my school) and I now have a crush on him. Kinda weird. But that is my "discovering" story! Quite complicated, eh?

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