girl crushes turning into girlfriends

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By Rachel


So my name is Rachel but also know as pumpkaboo and misseevee113 so I had this crush this girl, lets call her H. So I like H and she liked me back so I got one of my friends to ask her out for me because I'm just a little baby. So I'm going put with her and she can draw really really really well, and she drew me a picture and wrote me a letter. The letter talked about how bad she thought she was because I hate when people talk bad about themselves to make others feel better. So right now I'm dating her everyone in my school thinks I'm a lesbian but I'm not I'm bisexual. And I want to date this guy but o know my girl friend won't let me. I like girls but not this one I like another one she's so awesome and I just love her. She rides my bus and some times sits with me. And when she does I feel like bubbles flying out of my mouth because how dumb I act around her. So what I am trying so say her is that. I'm not in love with my girlfriend any more but in love with a guy and another girl, she just makes my hart melt. This girl she just got out of a relationship with another girl but I want to be with her SO badly. The worst part is that my girlfriend and the girl I love made out, I got really angry are H. I have also realized that instead of being a lesbian I'm bisexual. So thank you for reading about me and my love life

,热爱车辆 ,{Rachel}

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