Happiness can be found

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By Maggs


Ever since kindergarten, I had liked girls more than boys, and I didn't know it wasn't normal because I didn't even know what the word gay was. All my friends crushed on boys throughout elementary school, and none of them ever had crushes on girls. So to go with the flow, I would make up boys that I liked. In sixth grade, some things happened between me and a girl and it was pretty rough. We did things I wasn't too proud about, and I was really depressed and mad at myself for the longest time. I still am from time to time, three years later. But, after that happened I began to learn about the LGBT community. I just thought I was bi. Later on in the year, I started dating this boy. But I just wasn't attracted to him or anything. We dated for two years because I was too afraid to end things off. I later labeled myself as pan, then a panromantic homosexual. I didn't want to admit to myself that I didn't like boys at all. My ex boyfriend finally dumped me because I never wanted to do anything romantic with him. I was raised in a very catholic household, and I was kind of ashamed of myself. But, the beginning of last year I decided to just be myself. I know now that I am fully lesbian and I'm proud of myself. About 4 months ago I asked out a girl I liked, and we've been dating since then. I've never been happier, ever. She is my sun, my moon, my everything. We went to our prom dance together, and everything has just been amazing. I'm out to all of my friends and basically my whole school. I don't know if I'll be ready to come out to my parents soon, or if I'll ever come out to them. But all I know is that it feels so good to be myself and to be with someone who loves me. Happiness is achievable, even if it takes a few years.

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