Inside Out of the Closet

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By Marble


Hallo! I'm Marble, a Pansexual girl who goes by They and Them and this is my story.

I was all about my sexuality when I was introduced to Gorillaz. I fell completely in love with Noodle. She was just the cutest/hottest thing I've seen. That's when I labeled myself as Bi.But I thought that wasn't a good label for me. As I explored more through the LGBTQ+ Community, I discovered the terms Pansexual and GenderQueer.That's what I decided to go as. Pansexual. I felt like I could love more than just females and males. I felt like I was more open.I still was empty, though. There was still a missing piece that needed to be found in the puzzle that made up of who I was. I looked back on the term 'GenderQueer.' I felt like maybe that was what I was. I wasn't satisfied with being female, after all. I wasn't comfortable with people giving me female labels.So I labeled myself 'They' and 'Them'.Coming out to my friends was pretty easy. They were REALLY supportive of the LGBTQ+ community, and when I came out to them, one of my friends, let's give fake names, Kate, came out to me as Bisexual. I came out to my parents while I was in the Philippines. But it was on accident.I decided to come out to my really close friend, Goldie, by text (with support from my friends).When I sent my confession, I was a nervous mess. I continued checking again and again for replies.Then my mom called. When I answered, she told me her mom, Carrie, had sent her a letter.Carrie said before revealing the message I sent Goldie, "This does not change the way we look at her and we will love her no matter what."I was about to scream, and I ran to my room while spamming my friends with "Help me"s.My mom read the text, and right when she got to the part where I confessed, I said, "Mom, when you read what's coming next, please just support me no matter what."When she read the letter, she burst into tears. She was completely in shock, and I tried my best to comfort her.My dad eventually went inside the room to go get something, and he could hear my mom's wails over the phone. He asked me what was wrong. Then my mom read the letter.My dad didn't burst into tears, though. He wasn't even mad.He just asked me, "Are you gay?"I explained to him that I was Pansexual and GenderQueer.He wasn't mad. He just said, "Oh! That's alright. You're probably going through a phase, but I know you'll find yourself soon. And I'll support you no matter what."He left the room, only with my mom still crying a bit. We cleared some things up, and she was feeling better. She said she'd talk to me later, and we hung up.I texted my friends about what had just happened, and they were so happy. They said that they'd have a Coming Out Party for me.Hours later, my mom called me back. And we talked about my sexuality and gender.She told me that she talked to Kate's Mom about how she came out, and in fact, Kate's Mom already knew. She read Kate's texts and found one of mine asking for help on coming out.My mom had spread the news to my Aunt, and she just replied with, "Oh! No wonder she hates dresses!"I felt like my mom was still in shock about me coming out, so I said, "I'm really sorry for all the changes. You weren't ready to know..."She laughed and said, "Changes? I just think you're being who you are!"We continued talking and once we hung up, I texted my friends about our talk.They continued to talk about what they would bring to the party we were going to have.Then my friend Veronica came out, saying she was Asexual. We all accepted her. I think. Kate had just replied with an, 'Ok.'Honestly, I've never felt so happy in my life. I feel more free. Goodbye, closet.But really, you shouldn't be scared about coming out. Sure, your parents might be in shock, but soon they'll start to understand you.

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