It's Just A Prank, Bro!

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By StarfishFromJupiter


So, I used to think I was straight. Then bi. Now pan. And sometimes just straight up lesbian! But this isn't going to be one of those 'coming out' stories. No this is gonna be about how my friend and I pranked a girl as revenge for shipping us.

The friend who helped me with the prank is gay and jokingly calls herself Leslie, so that's her name now. The girl we pranked is May.

May knew I was bi/pan/idk, same for Leslie. And because of this, she automatically thought we were dating. I don't understand that. So since there are 2 female friends who both happen to be attracted to girls (even though one of them (me) wasn't ready to date yet) they must be dating. Duh.

This started to piss me and Leslie off so we said 'Yo! Let's prank May! Stage a big breakup and stuff!' So we did.

Things didn't go as planned. We had been planning on telling May about us dating after my birthday but she kept asking Leslie if she'd asked me out yet. One day, Leslie said that we were dating. Yea, it threw some stuff off, but it didn't matter.

For the next 4 weeks, Leslie and I had to constantly come up with juicy updates on our relationship to fill in May. It sucked cause I'm not a romantic person but Leslie is so we have very different ideas of juicy.

We changed the plan a bit and decided to stage the break up on my birthday. Leslie asked May to help her break up with me, and said she didn't care it was my birthday. Leslie's acting of being pissed was...mediocre at best. I tried to save the act, but it was all in vain.

I don't know if May realized in the moment of Leslie's award-winning acting performance that the whole relationship had never been real or if it was when we ourselves told her, but I doubt she'll be shipping anyone anytime soon.

I guess the moral of the story is don't be annoying and force 2 friends who'd rather die than date into a relationship.

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