Just Hold On, (Simply Myself, Part 2)

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By Ty VesperteenDun


Okay. So, it's been less than a year since I submitted my story. And oh my God, it's been quite an adventurous six months.

I found out that I was asexual, homoromantic, and non-binary.

My friends still all accept me, but I now just regret telling my parents that I was pansexual last year because they didn't believe me then, and they probably wouldn't believe me now.

How did I go from being pansexual to ace? I'm not sure, but something clicked on me that I was not into sex whatsoever, and I was happy romantically dating someone.

Anyways - As soon as high school starts, I notice one thing. There were a lot of LGBTQ+ kids, and I felt like I would fit right in.

In December, I started to crush on a girl. After winter break, I asked her out, and she said yes. In mid February, we ended our relationship, but we're still friends.

While dating her, my brother and started to raise suspicions that I was dating someone, and I tried to literally just desperately say that the ship names that my friends were making for us were just a joke and that they were doing that just to annoy me.

Thankfully, my brother believed my dumb try of a cover up story, and I didn't have to be lectured by my parents (:

So, I've had to still stay quiet. My friends talk about the craziest things ever, and I send them spam photos of gay ships.

I sent them a Brallon (Brendon Urie and Dallon Weekes) photo, and my dad saw it. He screamed at me, and I'm almost now 100% that he's homophobic.

Thankfully, there are four years until I'm of legal age.

I just have to wait. Four years, and I'll be able to start testosterone on my own.

Just hold on, just keep waiting. -Ty

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