More Me

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By Anonymous


I sit with my friend H at lunch everyday. She always just watches her crush from across the cafeteria.H and I have been best friends since 4th grade. But in seventh grade, H started to notice boys. She and I made up nicknames in order to talk about them in private. I realized I didn't like any of the boys we would talk about. Sure they were cute, but so what? Does someone being good looking equal love? I decided I had a crush on one of them, a boy we nicknamed Mr President.I always was like that with crushes. I would pick a guy who I was friends with and call him my crush whenever the inevitable question came up at parties. I would move on after a few years.I thought I was gay for awhile. But I didn't feel anything for girls.In seventh grade I started to get into Wattpad. When I found this profile and was scrolling through the lists, I came across a few terms I didn't know."Aromantic? Does that have to do with smells . . . like aroma?"I looked it (and asexual) up, wondered what it could mean. And I realized all the descriptions were describing me. So I'm aro ace. I remember the relief and big smiles that night. I felt like I was more me.But I come from a religion where marriage is just never questioned. Everyone grows up and gets married that's how it is. I didn't even want to date, let alone get married. So my mom decided to tell me I was still going to get married when I came out. So never mind guys, my mom, who obviously knows me better then me, says I'm wrong.Besides that, I can't wait to tell my friends. I think they will be pretty OK about it. So I may not have the most supportive mom, (today she was talking about how I don't want to be romantic, and I was just thinking 'yep, I decided to be aro, just like how I decided to have crushes back then') but I think just knowing makes me way happier. So anyways, there's my boring little story.

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