My crushes and what happened.

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By drarrylovers


Hey, my name is Jess, I'm 14 and bisexual. For those who don't know bisexual is when you like both genders. I am out to 7 friends and both my parents. I am so lucky as all of them were so accepting and I am over the moon that my parent accept me.

When I was in year 7 ( age 11-12) I had my first crush on a girl. I don't think I knew it was a crush at the time but the signs now kinda add up. I would always wanna be around her and I would get jealous when she would talk about her crushes on boys. I'm over her now and we are friends but not as close as we used to be.

A while After that I had a massive crush on a boy. Let's call him B. He was so lovely and such a nice friend. How could you not like him. However one of my really good friends. Let's call her L also really liked him. Then he was not as nice. He started saying things like using Gay as an insult and was obviously not as accepting. I couldn't deal with that. Then he dated another girl ' E '. They dated for like a month and he broke up with her and he wasn't so nice about it, was kinda horrible I just wasn't attracted to him anymore. I don't know what happened to him.

I'm now 14 in year 9 ( 13-14). I have a massive crush on a girl called lets say ' J '. She's gorgeous and so kind and such a great friend. I don't know if she's lesbian or bisexual or anything but it's kinda a scary thought telling her as she might not want to be my friend anymore. But that's my next milestone is telling my crush I like them.

Thank you for reading my story and I hope it inspires you to come out.

Jess xx

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