My Experience

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By Carmen


So, I'm gay, like I'm a lesbian, and I've known for the past four years. I came out to my friend not to long ago and she was fine with it, but then she told another girl, let's call her K. K doesn't like me at all, I mean she calls me a fat pig already whenever I see her. But once she heard about this it gave her a time to bully me. She would always call me a crazy lesbian or a dyke in front of everybody, and no one did a thing to stop it. I went up to her once to confront her about what she is doing, but she ran away and said... 'She tried talking to me! She likes me!' Everyone started at me but then I said I don't. This bullying still goes on so I try to stay away from her, because no one cares if I tell them.

I started thinking no one cares about me, no one loves me. Then I made the worst decision in the world. I started self harming, I made about fifteen to seventeen cuts, until my other friend, we'll call her A, found out. She almost cried when she saw them, she hugged me the tightest she could and she stated that, she loves me, she cares about me. I stopped cutting, it was hard because I didn't know what else to do, it was like something I use to cope with. I started going to her house every morning before school then she'd put makeup over them and then we'd get ready. I had feelings for A, she's so beautiful and kind... I told A that I liked her, she smiled at me and said that she thinks it's cute, but she likes me as a friend, I was fine with that, we still kept in touch no matter what. But she taught me to never feel down, because I have people who care about me no matter what I am. This was my experience so far... I still have a long way to go.

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